The School Record
Minford Local School District 
July 30, 2001

Highlights of the June 21 2001, Special Meeting and the July 26, 2001, Regular Meeting of the Minford Board of Education

At the June 21, 2001, Special Meeting, the Board voted to approved Appropriations and the Amended Certificates of Revenue.

At the July 26, 2001 Regular Meeting, the Board received a building project update from Superintendent Dennis Meade. Foundations for the new Middle School will be poured as soil stabilization begins . Knight was the apparent low bidder for the voice/data communications package.

Reporting on academic achievement, Minford's outgoing third graders took the fourth grade reading proficiency test and 32 students passed. Students will be regarded with a trip to Camden Park August 9th. Congratulations to out students and teachers for their accomplishment year ahead of schedule.

In action, the Board:

Insurance Committee meets

Our joint insurance committee met o July 23. Possible alternates plans were discussed ad comparisons will be worked up. The transition continues with CoreSource delivery over 1,700 unprocessed claims to MedMutual. It will takje a while before we are caught up. Members attending were: Barbara Conaway, Terry Dever, Nick Havens, Debbie Huff, Melinda Hutchinson, Cheryl Rinehart, Raymond Wheeler,Jr. and quest Jackie Scott. The next meeting will be August 13th at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Conference Room of the High School.

Hey Everybody Here Comes

School Year 2001-2002

Let's get psyched up for the exciting year of education. A teachers' work day will be held on August 20,2001. Teachers are to report to their buildings as follows:

Grades K-5 8:30 a.m.

Grades 6-12 7:30 a.m.

For interested faculty and staff, an American Express Representative will be here to discuss annuities, college education plans and changes in the law that could help you saw more. Check with your building principal with any requests or concerns.

Opening Day for Teachers: August 21st

High School Auditeria

7:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast

Once again the breakfast will be sponsored by the Minford Board of Education:

Steve Crabtree, President

Joe Stockham, Vice President

Mark Caudill, Member

Anita McGinnis, Member

Sue Wheeler, Member

and the Minford Education Association

Beginning at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members - Welcome back

Dennis Meade - Recognition of new faculty

Glenn Frank - Update on ICP, Proficiency, Special Education and LPDC.

Amy O'Dell - title One and new programming - Curriculum trends.

Tracy Alley - Update on our Community Learning Center.

Deborah Daniels - Bloodborne Pathogens Procedures.

Dennis Meade - Next phase for our building program, state funding issues.

Jackie Scott- MEA Membership.

After the conclusion of the meeting, teachers will report to their respective buildings for further procedures, etc.

A word of Thanks

If you see a custodian, new groundskeeper, Marvin Wiehle or Maintenance Supervisor, Dave Smith give them a big Thank Your for their efforts this summer.

The same for Ray Bayes and Terry Dever of the Bus Garage. Buses are passed and ready to go.

Open Positions

Bus Route #17 - Classified position

Open for transfer.

Technology Assistant - Classified position

Part-time as needed this position reports to the District Technology Coordinator. Duties include diagnosis and repair of computer systems and printers, assisting the Coordinator in all types of somputer and network-related duties. Must have working knowledge of Novell operating System and hardware/software installation and repair.

Technology Aide - Classified Position

Part-time as needed, this position reports to the District Technology Coordinator. Duties include assisting with installation and basic service of computer systems, cleaning and moving of equipment.

Football- Varsity Assistant - Supplemental Position

Duties include assisting with the freshman Team.

Please submit a letter of interest, along iwth a statement of qualifications to the Superintendent's office on/or before 3:30 p.m., August 8, 2001.

Teacher Aide Handicapped

Three Hours, Part-time as-needed - classified.

Works with a multi-handicapped student housed at Valley Elementary Cooperative Unit. Three Hour per day when students is in attendance. Pay based on actual hours of aiding students in the unit. Duties include taking care of hygiene and providing assistance to the student through the assigned time period.

Please send a letter of interest and a statement of qualifications to the superintendent's office on/or before 3:30 p.m. August 10, 2001.

Baldrige system

The Baldrige System continues to dominate the State's plans. We hope to move ahead in our training in applying Baldrige Criteria to our program and instructions. Possible basrriers include lack of funding from the State. New standard requires such a system to be in place. The system works but does require collaboration and implementation throughout our faculty and students.