The School Record
Minford Local School District |
March 28, 2001
Highlights of the March 28, 2001, Special Meeting of
the Minford Local Board of Education.
Several people were on hand to give their views regarding awarding of
bids for the new Middle/Primary School Construction Project. A review
of the low bidders was presented to the Board by Gilbane Construction Management
Firm. After much discussion, the board decided to table the matter
until further information could be obtained.
In other action the Board:
Employed Amy O'Dell to continue as Title One/Curriculum Supervisor for
a three year period.
Employed Carmen Hall as Day Custodian assigned to the high school in recognition
of the change in the responsibilities of the position.
Employed Sheree Cordle as a regular bud driver.
Employed several substitutes.
revised the 2000-2001 School Calendar to reflect a make up day for students
K-5 on Friday, June 1 with K-5 Teacher Work day to be on Thursday evening,
May 31.
Accepted the resignation of Eileen Sloas as Co-Yearboook Advisor due to
time conflicts.
Employees Arnold King as Jr. High Boy's Track Coach.
Approved the resignation request of Sharon Webb for the purpose of retirement
. Mrs. Webb has taught students at the primary and middle schools
for the past 18 years. She is wished the best in the future.
Employed Deanna Brisker as a three hour cook assigned to the Middle School.
Corrected the tennis supplemental of James Parkes.
Recognized Scott Caudill as a volunteer High School Track Assistant.
Entered into agreement with the South Central Ohio Media Center for services.
A special meeting to consider construction bids was scheduled for
April 3 at 8:00 p.m. in the High School Library.