The School Record
Minford Local School District |
October 31, 2001
Highlights of the October 2, 2001, Special and the October
25, 2001, Regular Meetings of the Minford Board of Education.
At the October 2nd Special Meeting, the Board:
Employed Thonda Sturgill as a regular bus driver.
Accepted the new Safe, Drug-Free Schools Grant.
Approved a change order on the contract of J&H Erectors.
Accepted the Ohio Reads Grant for the next two years.
At the October 25th Regular Meeting, the Board:
Employed Crystal Preston as a regular bus driver.
Noted the transfer of Rhonda Sturgill to Bus Route 7.
Recognized the following volunteers:
Debbie Adams
Carla Akers
Dawn Marie Baisden
Kendra Caldwell
Danielle Collins
Tonie Cowgill
Cindy Dolan
Michele King
Melisa Liles
Page Newsone
Pamela Risner
Barbara Setser
Norma Shemaker
Heather Thacker
Crystal Thornberry
Sharon Young
Set graduation for Sunday, June 2, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. in the high school
Recognized Ed Applegate and Jim Applegate as Volunteer Assistants for High
School Track.
Aprroved Conferences for Barbara Day and Jaymon Maritn.
Employed Laura Wooten as High School Yearbook Advisor and apporved to instruct
a Community Education Fitness Class.
Employed Derrick Marion, Nathan Franke and Sandra Raby as part-time, as-needed
Technology Aides.
The next Regular Meeting will be held November 15, 2001, 6: p/m/ in the
high school Media Center.