The School Record
Minford Local School District

May 22, 2002

Highlights of May 6, 2002, Special Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education

Concerning the Middle/Primary Project, a resolution was passed approving a change order to replace stage curtain, provide tack strips and corner guards and change the primary gym flooring to sport carpet. Also approved was a change order for splitting the cost of installing a drain line with Monarch Construction.

A donation of a golf cart was accepted from the Athletic Boosters.

Highlights of the May 16, 2002, Regular Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education

A video update on the construction process at the Middle/Primary Project was presented. Dr. Tracy Alley, Academically Advanced Program Teacher and Community Education Director discussed the program activities involving the after school mall and the upcoming installation of a weather station.

Eleanor Karshner, Treasurer, discussed the new direct deposit program.

Principals, Robert Shaffer and Kevin Lloyd, gave school reports. The Superintendent discussed a letter received from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory which identified Minford Middle School as a progressve technology school and the subject of further study by that organization.

The Board Recessed to attend the 24th Annual Scholarship Banquet and reconvened afterwards.

In action, the board:

* Approved candidated for graduation.

* Approved several supplemental contacts.

* Authorized a close out of the Fiscal Year.

* Continued the ABE/GED Program in cooperation with Northwest School District.

* Approved several summer sports camps.

* Approved a Summer Intervention Program for Grades 1-8.

* Employed Angela Turner as a high school Math teacher for school year 2002-2003.

* Emplyed teachers and bus driver/teacher aide personnel for the Summer Intervention Program.

* Approved the Entry Year Program in cooperation with the South Central Ohio Educational Service Center.

* Chose Michael Balestra as the GAAP Service Provider.

* Granted an easement and right of way to American Electrc Power for lines for the Middle/Primary Project.

* Chose Sheakley Unicomp, Inc. as the Managed Care Organization (MCO) for Workers Compensation.

* Certified the Records Commission disposal of records.

* Granted Rita Trapp a two year bus driver contract.

* Recognized Shane Davis and Jesse Ruby as Volunteer Assistants for High School Football.


Happy Birthday To:

June 3 Jill Williams
June 10 Paul Williams
June 11 Gwen Lester
June 11 Kevin Lloyd
June 11 Marvin Wiehle
June 12 Fran Conkel
June 15 Susan Bussler
June 20 Debra Allen
June 21 Neysa Riffe
June 22 Sharon Burchett
June 23 John Strickland
June 24 Martha Knore
June 30 B Jo Allen
June 30 Charles Miller

Belated birthday wishes to Kyle Copley whose birthday was May 11th.

Get Well Wishes

Tim Allen
Sue Dingus
Jackie Scott


Congratulations to Darin and Jill Yuhas in the birth of their son, Caleb Lee on May 8th.
Caleb weighed 7 lbs. 5 ozs. and was 21 1/2 inches long.


Our Sincere condolences to Rhonda Sturgill and her family in the passing of her father, Clifford Toppins.

End of yea - New Beginning

The sight of construction goin on will continue for another year but, with no suprises, the Primary should begin school in the completed portion of the new Minford Elementary School.

Everyone Have a relaxing summer and be careful out there - we need you!





















The next regular meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education will be June 20, 2002, 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.

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