The School Record
Minford Local School District
October 28, 2002

Highlights of the October 21, 2002, Regular Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education

A discussion was held with some parents regarding handicapped parking, funding allocations, home schooling and open enrollment.

Norma Shoemaker was recognized by resolution and was presented a certificate by Board President, Joseph Stockham, issued by the Ohio School Board Association for her work as volunteer from the schools and as a leader with the Minford PTO.

A discussion was held concerning planning ahead for problems with lice control. Part-time, as-needed aides will be trained to provide assistance in controlling and elimination any problems.


* Approved the request of name change of Sabrina Dawn Doll to Sabrina Dawn Shonkwiler.

* Recognized the following classroom volunteers for the 2002-2003 school year:
Sherri Anderson
Julie Bond
Jamie Brown
Teresa Bryan
Kendra Caldwell
Kristi Clark
Danielle Collins
Cindy Comer
Amy Dever
Paula Rae DeVore
Cindy Dolan
Lena Gambill
Kathy Howard
Michele King
Anita Moore
Angie Schauseil
Barbara Setser
Norma Shoemaker
Annett Taulbee
Missy Taylor
Tanya Thoroughman
Judy Beth Vallandingham
Holly Williams

* Placed an employee on a one year unpaid leave of absence for medical reasons.

* Approved the request to resign for retirement purposes of High School Head Cook, Carolyn Conklin, effective November 18, 2002. mrs Conklin has served Minford students at the Middle School and the High School Since 1980. She is wished the best in her retirement.

* Several Teachers were approved to attend conferences.

* Crystal Preston was employed as a regular bus driver.

* Several supplemental positions were filled.

* Denise Stoffregen was employed as a home Instruction teacher.

* The Treasurer was authorized to advertize for bids concerning the reconstruction and restoration of the main football field and the practice field.

* The Vision Service Plan was renewed for a two year period with the following rates:

Single $8.85
Family $20.60

Single $9.59
Family $21.71

* Payment for drainage pipe materials to repair and replace a drain pipe was authorized to Erwin-Dodson-Allen Funeral Home.

* As per Ohio Revised Code changes, Board members attendance at approved meetings and workshops would be compensated at $60.00 per day, three hours or less, and $125.00 per day for programs longer than three hours. These Stipends are for approved training programs.

* Ruth Conkey was employed as a substitute cook.


The next regular meeting will be Novemeber 21, 2002, 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.

Inservice November 4th and November 11th

A reminder to our faculty that we will have inservice on November 4th and November 11th. The two inservice days will cover the orientation to the Baldrige in Education Instructional Model Component #1 Teacher/Student Partnership and Component #2 Teacher/Student Partnership and Baldrige Quality Tools Training.

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