The School Record
Minford Local School District
September 19, 2003
Highlights of the September 18, 2003
Regular Meeting of the Minford Local
Board of Education
In action, the Board:
Adjusted a teacher salary to reflect a
Bachelor's +15.
Adopted the Permanent Annual Appropriations
and Amended Certificate.
Approved participation in the Scioto County Attendance Program.
Employed Gary Robinson as a
home instruction teacher.
Changed the dates of the November and December
meetings in the media center of the high school to:
November 20th - 6:00 p.m.
December 18th - 5:00 p.m.
Employed C Wayne Setty as a three hour part-time,
as-needed custodian.
Employed Sheree Cordle as a
Student Support Aide.
Employed Sharilyn Miller as a part-time,
as-needed Handicapped Student Aide.
Approved the request to plant a tree in
memory of Dustin Treadway.
Roconized several volunteers for band and sports.
Approved student transportation for handicapped students.
Accepted the resignation of Amber
Broermann as Varsity Cheerleader Advisor.
Approved a change order for the high school gym
stage lighting.
The next regular meeting of the Minford Local
Board of Education will be October 28, 2003,
6:00 p.m.
in the high school media center.
Football Field Update
Preliminary results from a consultant review
of our football field revealed problems that make
the field unplayable for the rest of the season.
We will be working with the contractor
to resolve these problems and ensure an excellent field for
next season.