The School Record
Minford Local School District
November 22, 2004

Highlights of the November 18, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education

Mark Holsinger of Tanner and Stone Architects presented three panel graphic illustrations of the proposed Athletic Complex.  President Joseph Stockham appointed Board Member John Jenkins to Chair the Athletic Complex Committee.  the purpose of the Committee.  The purpose of the Committee will be to generate ideas covering financing of the complex.

High School Principal, Robert Shaffer, reported on the Veterans' Day activities and the class officer council meeting.

Board Vice-President, Troy Huff, provided a draft of hiring guidelines as part of the work of the Hiring Committee.

The Old Middle School and the upcoming auction was discussed with Auctioneer and Agent, Norma Allen.  The auction is set for Noon, Saturday, December 4, 2004.

The problem of delinquent taxes was discussed.

OSBA Delegate/Legislative Liaison, Anita McGinnis, updated the Board on the Capital Conference meeting and pending legislation.

OSBA Student Achievement Delegate, John Jenkins, gave a summary of keynote speaker, Erin Growell's, address at the Capital Conference concerning working with "unteachable, at-risk teenagers."

Curriculum/Title One Supervisor, Amy O'Dell, reported on our teachers' efforts concerning Inservice Day activities and their on-going work with SCITEL, pacing charts and short cycle assessments.

Superintendent Dennis Meade announced that Minford School District received recognition from the Ohio State Board of Education due to their "Effective" status on the Report Card.

Reports from Mark Holsinger concerning water leaks at the buildings were reviewed.

In action, the Board:

Employed Brandon Dodridge as Freshman Boys Basketball Coach.

Accepted donations from Stevens Construction for the Middle School Principals Fund and the Southern Ohio Medical Center for elementary playground or other health related equipment.

Accepted the resignation for retirement request of Barbara Lee effective at the end of December 2004.  Mrs. Lee has served Minford as a school teacher for over 25 years with dedication.  She is wished the best in her retirement.

Eployed Justin MIller as a part-time, as-needed Technology Aide for the holidays and summer break.

Adjusted the contracts of excluded personnel to reflect the same benefits as receive by the bargaining unit.

Approved a resolution selling the old Middle School playground equipment and transferring such to the Madison Senior Citizens Organization, Madison Township.

Approved an out-of-state trip, by the High School Chorus, under the direction fo Michele Compton, to perform at the Huntington Mall, December 14 from 10-11 a.m.

Changed the time of the December Board Meeting to 5:00 p.m., December 16, 2004, in the High School Media Center.

Set the Organizational Meeting for January 13, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.

DEC 8            KAREN HAYBURN
DEC 18          LINDA BENDER


Alice Butcher
Elaine McGraw
Angie Turner


Brett and Lori Oakes in the birth of their son, Luke on Nov. 18, 2004.  LUke Alan was born at 7:05 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 22 inches long.


Since Thanksgiving Day is about giving thanks, I wanted to say thanks to all fo you who work so hard on behalf of our students.  Your efforts are really paying dividends as we look at the Report Card, grade level test results and student attendance percentages.  Beyond the statistics, our parents know that you care about their children and want them to do their best.

Please take some time over our break and enjoy the company of family and friends as well as getting some well-deserved rest.
