The School Record
Minford Local School District
October 4, 2004


Highlights of the September 23, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education.

Cindy McCreary, representing Minford's fifth grade teachers along with Shawna King Smith presented the fifth grade teachers collaborative teaching plan and discussed their objectives for the program.

Mark Holsinger, Representing Tanner and Stone Architects presented drawingsfor the Minford Sports Complex vision. These rough drafts will be refined based on the district's needs. Estimated cost of the Sports Complex Vision is 1.75 to 2 million. Possible sources of funding for the complex will be discussed in future meetings.

Dr. Jerry Klenke, Deputy Executive Director for the Buckeye Association of School Administrators attended the meeting and presented the Exemplary Educational Leadership Award to Minford Superintendent, Dr. Dennis Meade. The award recognizes "outstanding" educational leadership which has resulted in the enhancement and improvement of educational opportunities fot the elementary and secondary students of Ohio." This is the second exemplary Educational Leadership Award received by Dr. Meade. He was recognized with the first award in 1994. The credit for any recognition, according to Supt. Meade should go to the excellent administration, faculty and staff here at Minford and the continuing support and encouragement of the Minford Board of Education.

Anita McGInnis, OSBA Delegate/Legislative Liaison provided information on current legislative activity and John Jenkins, OSBA Student Achievement Delegate, disscussed an article on background checks.

In action, the Board:

  • Adopted the Permanent Annual Appropriations and Amended Certification of Estimated Resources.
  • Renewed the Vision Service Plan for two years.
  • Employed Zack Conkel as a part-time, as-needed technology aide.
  • Employed Scott Caudill as a regular Custodian.
  • Recognized Judy Roush as a Volunteer Jr. High
    Cheerleader Assistant and Kelly Cinereski as a Volunteer Jr. High Football Assistant.
  • Approved handicapped student transportation.
  • Approved professional confrences.
  • Accepted the Academically Advanced Program guidelines.

  • Accepted the results of the September 7, 2004 auction. Thanks and appriciation to Allen's Auctions for their time and efforts in this endevor.
  • Accepted the resignation for purpose of retirement request of Glenn Franke effective at the end of the day December 31, 2004. Mr. Franke has been a vital memeber of Minford School District since 1973 in the role of teacher, assistant pricipal, High School Principal, Administrative Assistant and Assistant Superintendent. He is wished the best.
  • Adjusted the contracts of excluded classified personnel to reflect an increase in salary.
  • Approved a public notice of intent to employ Glenn Franke.
  • Approved a Special Board Meeting for the purpose of determining the final disposition of the Old Middle School by Auction. The meeting will be 6:00p.m., October 12, 2004, in the High School Media Center, 491 Bond Road, Minford, OH.

The next regular meeting will be 6:00p.m., October 28, 2004, in the High School Media Center.