Program Coordinater - Brent Howard
         Site Associate -
Neysa Riffe

 Morning Teachers
Ms. Cox
Mrs. Donahoe


Afternoon Teachers

Mr. Allen
Mrs. S. Shonkwiler
Mr. Shonkwiler
Mrs. Rolfe
Mrs. McGraw
Mrs. Compton
Mrs. Bond
Mrs. Clifford
Mrs. Jenkins
Mrs. Hayward
Mr. Miller
Mr. Slone
Ms. B. Miller
Mrs. Amoto
Norma Shoemaker
Joyce O’Dell
Teresa Burchett
Penny Gilliland

         Additional Staff/Activity Teacher
                       Diane Jessie
                     Rachael Jordan
                      Barb Eldridge
                      Karen Boston



OAT tutoring will be available for students in

grades 3-5 during the weeks of March 30 –

April 2, 2009 and April 6 – April 9, 2009.