Deborah Daniels,
Minford Local Schools


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Minford Local School District
School Nurse

Head Lice

Head lice is a problem that is difficult to avoid and school age children are especially at risk.  Parents can help prevent their child from getting lice by taking precautions.  Recommendations are that parents check each child's head every day--this activity can detect any infestation and can help prevent re-infestation.  Parents should also have someone check their own heads for lice. 

Lice are small insects about the size of sesame seed that feed on blood from the scalp and attach their eggs, called nits, to the hair. These nits are only the size of a typewritten comma and are enclosed in a cement-like water proof substance, so normal shampoo treating will 
and not remove them.

Treatment for head lice is to obtain head louse shampoo, apply the shampoo as directed but do not overheat.  Next, manually remove all nits from child's hair.  ALL nits must be removed from the hair before child can be admitted back in school.  Then change child's clothing and bedding and disinfect them.  Hot water and a hot dryer will kill lice (+125 degrees for 20 minutes).  Toys, stuffed animals, hair brushes and combs also need to disinfect.  Personal articles that any infested person has worn or used within the previous 48 hours should be disinfected.  Lastly, retreat with a lice shampoo 7-10 days after the first treatment to help prevent re-infestation of head lice.  Again, all nits MUST be removed. 

Lice do not jump or fly but crawl very fast.  They need the human scalp to stay alive. They can live off the human head for approximately 24 hours.  Therefore proper cleaning and disinfecting is vital.  Sweeping the carpet, floors, couch, chairs, and car upholstery is essential. 

If you have any questions, you can call the school nurse at 820-2181 or 820-2287 Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. thru 3:45 p.m.