On August 28, 2000, the Minford
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) elected officers for the
2000 - 2001 school year.
The officers included:
President: Cindy
Vice President: Angie
Secretary/Public Relations: Angie
Treasurer: Norma
Parent/Teacher Liason (Primary):
The Fall Festival was a huge success. We want to thank all the parents who either donated cakes for the cake walk or volunteered their time to work games. Our carnival could not exist without your help. We also want to thank everyone that attended the carnival, and we hope that you had a great time. Without your support, we would not have been able to raise $2,600 (profit) for field trips in the spring.
Secret Santa Shop will be held at the primary school on Monday and Tuesday, November 27 and 28. It will at the middle school on Thursday, November 30, and Friday, December 1.
We rely on parent volunteers to
work the shop on these dates. If you can help at all, call Cindy
Dolan at 820-3183, Norma Shoemaker at 776-3490, or the primary school at
820-2287, and leave a message with Joyce O'Dell.
As always, thank you for your support.
Minford PTO Officers