Committees For Minford PTA Selected

Article taken from Portsmouth Times, September 10, 1952

New officers were in charge of the first meeting of Minford PTA held at the school cafeteria.

They are Mrs. Grace Wilson president; Mrs. Woodrow Knore, vice president; Miss Ora Maude Taylor, treasurer, and Mrs. Clifford Jenkins, historian.

The executive committee made the following committee appointments for the coming year:

Membership--Mrs. Emanuel Moore, chairman; Mrs. Mabel Wiehle, Mrs. Ruth Stone, Mrs. Marvin Eckhart, Mrs. John Gregory, Mrs. Ed Wooten and Mrs. Eldon Deemer; program--Mrs. Emil B. Haney, chairman; Mrs. D.H. Wilcox and Mrs. Walter Stigall.

Budget and finance--Mrs. Karl Seidel, Mrs. Ray Kennedy and Mrs. Launa Watters charter and spiritual education--Paul Campbell; citizenship and magazine--Mrs. Oka Dawson; Founder's Day--Mrs. Ernest Stewart; health--Mrs. Donald McKenzie and Mrs. Russell Justice.

Home and family life and hospitality--Mr. and Mrs. James White and Mrs. Everet Evans music--Mrs. Harriet Martin and J.H. Mitchell; publicity --Mrs. Clifford Jenkins; radio and TV--Walter Stigall; room mother--Mrs. Lucille Shumway and Mrs. Sam Coriell and council representative, Mr. Mitchell.

Mrs. Wilson reported on the PTA school of instruction held last week. She urged all parents and teachers to take a copy of the PTA Manual and attend the study course.

The next meeting of the Minford unit will be held Monday, Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria.