Minford Elementary Jr. PTA
Founder's Day Celebration
February 23, 1970

Founder's Day commemorates the organization of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers on February 17, 1897, in Washington, D.C.  The celebration of the day was conceived in 1910 by Mrs. David O. Mears, one of the original members of the First Congress of Mothers, and its annual observance has been a part of the parent-teacher program since that time.  PTA members everywhere pay honor to the Founders, Alice McLeelan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst, and to other pioneers in state PTA's, districts, councils, and local units.  On this occasion each local unit collects a birthday offering.


Growth in PTA membership.
Strengthened PTA leadership.
Vigorous PTA programs promoting the PTA objects.
Informed PTA action on critical issues affecting children, youth, schools, and families.
A better present and a brighter future for children and youth.