Parent Involvement Policy

The following parent involvement plan was developed in consultation with, reviewed by, and made available to Title I parents and incorporates the Parental Involvement Policy from the Minford Local School Board Policy IGBJ as required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It's purpose is to serve as a guide for the yearly activities of the Title I program, to help parents understand the program's requirements, and to promote the importance of the educational partnership between the school and the home.

1. Title I parents will be notified of their children's particpation in the program.

2. A Title I parent meeting will be held in the fall of each school year. Information provided at the meeting will include: students selection policy, description and explanation of the curriculum and services to be used, the forms of academic assessment that will be used to measure student progress, the proficiency levels the students are expected to meet, and the rights of the parents to be invovled. Parents have the opportunity to meet with the Title I teachers.

3. Two parent-teacher conferences will be held at the same time as the regular school conferences.

4. Parents will be encouraged to observe students during classroom instruction at any time.

5. Parents will be provided a written report of their child's progress either at the end of each grading period in replacement classes or at the end of each semster in pull-out classes.

6. Title I staff will be accessible to Title I parents before and after school by appointment or at other times as scheduled.

7. Parents will receive a survey requesting ideas for planning, designing, and implementing the following year's program. This will include an assesment of the current year's activities.

8. Surveys, meetings, progress reports, parent conferences, home/school communications will serve as a means to promote the education of children at home.

9.Parents will receive a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter containing tips for helping their children at home, upcoming school events, and any other relevant information.

10. Parents and staff training sessions will be held at lest one time per year.

11. Parents, Teachers, and students will sign a School-Parent Compact.

12. Parents have the oppotunity for decsion-making related to the education of their children. Parents may also sign a waiver of service.