The School Record
Minford Local School District
April 26, 2004

Highlights of the April 22, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Minford Local Board of Education

Jim Morgan addressed the Board on the subject of using the old Middle School as a community center. A proposal is forthcoming.

Elmer Mullins, construction consultant, gave an update on the varsity and practice football fields. Both have been completed and seeded.

Our fourth grade teachers, Barbara Conaway, Shirley Ratliff, Amy Boyer, Amber Broermann and Glenda Gullion presented the results of a two year pilot program on delivery of reading instruction. They have been pleased with the results and are looking at working on math improvements for next year as well as continuing the reading program.

In action, the Board:

Approved the Records Commission Meeting on May 20, 2004, 5:30 p.m., in the High School Media Center.

Accepted the Junior High Cheerleader Constitution.

Recognized the eighth grade trip to Gettysburg, PA.

Approved three days early dismissal for the 2004 Minford High School Seniors – last day will be May 24, 2004.

Employed staff and set salaries for next year.

Awarded continuing contracts for the following teachers:
Kyle Copley
Tanya Coriell
Kenra Cram
Lana Diane Daniels
Melissa Horr
Rama Lavender
Tami Marion
Jodi Ruby
Timothy Tackett


Non-renewed non-certified staff holding a supplemental contract for 2003-2004 school year.

Employed several classified personnel.

Awarded continuing contracts to Rhonda Sturgill and Rita Trapp.

Employed Christopher Downey on a three year contract as Maintenance Supervisor.

Eliminated part-time classified positions.

Accepted donations from the following:

United States Enrichment Corporation for all weather track repairs. $500.00
Advantage Data Systems $125.00
Carpets Plus $50.00
Fred Brisker Business Trust $50.00
Gampp's, Inc. $50.00
Glockner Enterprises $30.00
Independent Transmission $50.00
Jacob Hively BP Marketer $50.00
Jenkins Service Center $50.00
Little's Septic Service, Inc 50.00
In memory of Curt
Minford Kwik Stop $50.00
Opulent Source, LLC $50.00
Pendleton's Collision $50.00
Portsmouth Cancer Center $50.00
Reinhardt Track Sales $50.00
Shoemaker Chevron $50.00
Shop Wise $50.00
Taylor Trucking $50.00
The Country Home Place $50.00
TriState Culvert & Construction $50.00
Wagner Rental $50.00
for Middle School Principals Club.

The donations are very much appreciated.

Accepted the quote of Modern Foods for milk products and Heiner's Bakery for bread products.

Approved participation in the Even Start Program for children and their parents.

Established a fund for Capital projects.

Approved a request of a name change of an employee.

Adjusted the salary of Dennis Meade, Superintendent and Glenn Franke, Assistant Superintendent to reflect a 1.5% increase for the 2004-2005 school year.

Approved having a special board meeting on May 6, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center for the purpose of developing a more comprehensive sports facilities plan for the school district.

The next regular Board meeting will be May 20, 2004, 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.