Title Author  Book Level Point Value
Mastering Martial Arts Potts 5.0 .5
Matchlock Gun Edmonds 5.1 1.0
Math in Bath Atherlay 1.7 .5
Matilda Dahl 5.0 6.0
Matthew and the Sea Singer Walsh 5.0 .5
Matthew Henson & Robert Peary Rozakis 5.0 1.0
Matthews Dream Lionni 3.1 .5
May I Bring A Friend? DeRegniers 2.7 .5
McDuff and the Baby Wells 2.4 .5
Me and my Pet Cat Morley 4.4 .5
Me and my Pet Dog Morley 4.5 .5
Me and my Pet Fish Morley 5.0 .5
Me and my Pet Rabbit Morley 4.6 .5
Me and the Terrible Two Conford 4.2 3.0
Me First  Lester 3.0 .5
Me, Mop and the Moondance Kid Myers 3.9 5.0
Me Too! Mayer 1.5 .5
Mean Margaret Seidler 4.7 4.0
Mean Soup Everitt 2.2 .5
Meanest Thing to Say Cosby 3.5 .5
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch Noble 4.9 .5
Medical Assistant Primm 2.8 .5
Meet Babar and his Family Brunhoff 3.8 .5
Meet Kirsten Shaw 3.8 1.0
Meet Molly Tripp 4.2 1.0
Meet Samantha Adler 3.8 1.0
Meg Mackintosh Landon 3.6 .5
Meg Mackintosh Landon 4.1 1.0
Meg Mackintosh Landon 3.5 1.0
Meg's Story Pfeffer 3.9 1.0
Melted Coins Dixon 4.99 5.0
Men of Iron Pyle 9.0 13.0
Mercury Fradin 4.8 .5
Mermaid Tales From Around The World Osborne 5.3 2.0
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Pyle 8.6 21.0
Merry Christmas Amelia Bedelia Parish 2.1 .5
Merry Christmas Dear Dragon Hillert 0.8 .5
Merry Christmas from Betsy Haywood 3.9 2.0
Mesa Verde Peterson 4.6 .5
Message from the Match Girl Lisle 4.0 3.0