Title Author  Book Level Point Value
At the Ball Game Kramer, S.A. 3.4 0.5
At the Crossroads  Isadora, Rachel 1.9 0.5
Athletes (Dynamic Modern Women) Lindop, Laurie 7.4 5.0
Attlantic Ocean, The Heinrichs, S. 3.9 0.5
Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns Stine, R.L. 3.3 2.0
Attack of the Mutant Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0
Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery Cushman, Doug 2.4 0.5
Aunt Flossie's Hats and Crab Cakes La Howard, Elizabeth 2.4 0.5
Aunt Lulu Pinkwater, Daniel 2.9 0.5
Anutie Maria and the Cat Cowley Joy 0.9 0.5
Aunts (Pebble Cooks) Schaefer, Lola M. 0.9 0.5
Automobiles Wilkinson, Sylvia 3.2 0.5
Autumn of the Royal Tar Stone, Bruce 4.9 5.0
Autumn (Pebble Books) Saunders-Smith, Gail 2.0 0.5
B. Bear Scouts and the Magic Crystal( Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0
B. Bear Scouts and the Sci-Fi Pizza, Ti Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.9 1.0
B. Bear Scouts and the Simister Smoke Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.5 2.0
B. Bear Scouts in Giant Bat Cave. The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.4 1.0
B. Bear Scouts Scream Their Heads of  Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.7 1.0
B. Bear Accept No Substitutes, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.7 1.0
B. Bears and Mama's New Job, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.9 0.5
B. Bears and Queenie's Crazy Crush, T Brenstain, Stan/Jan 4.3 1.0
B. Bears and the Bad Dream, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.2 0.5
B. Bears and the Bad Habit, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.9 0.5
B. Bears and the Bermuda Triangle, Ti Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.1 1.0
B. Bears and the Big Date, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0
B. Bears and the Big Road Race, The  Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.7 0.5
B. Bears and the Blame Game, The  Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.3 0.5
B. Bears and the Bully, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.4 0.5
B. Bears and the Double Dare, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.1 0.5
B. Bears and the Drug Fee Zone, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.4 1.0
B. Bears and the Female Fullback, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.1 1.0
B. Bears and the Galloping Goost, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.4 1.0
B. Bears and the Ghost of the Auto Gr Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0
B. Bears and the Ghost of the Forest, T Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.8 0.5
B. Bears and the Giddy Grandma, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.9 1.0
B. Bears and the Homework Hassle, T Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.4 0.5
B. Bears and the In-Crowd, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.3 0.5
B. Bears and the Love Match, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.5 1.0
B. Bears and the Messy Room, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.1 0.5
B. Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bon Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.8 0.5