Title Author Book Level Point Value
Nevada Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.4 1.0
Never Grab a Deer by the Ear Bare, Colleen Stanley 4.2 0.5
Never Say Quit Wallace, Bill 4.1 5.0
Never Spit on Your Shoes Cazet, Denys 2.0 0.5
New Bed, A Eggleton, Jill 1.5 0.5
New Boy, The Stine, R.L. 3.7 4.0
New Dawn on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger Lea 5.3 9.0
New Girl, The Stine, R.L. 5.3 5.0
New Hampshire Fradin, Dennis B. 4.7 1.0
New Jersey Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0
New Jersey Facts and Symbols Sateren, Shelley Swanson 4.1 0.5
New Mexico Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.2 1.0
New Mexico Facts and Symbols Sateren, Shelley Swanson 3.8 0.5
New Road Gibbons, Gail 4.1 0.5
New Shoes for Silvia Hurwitz, Johanna 2.8 0.5
New York Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0
New York Glassman, Bruse S. 8.4 2.0
New York Facts and Symbols McAuliffe, Emily 3.5 0.5
New Zealand Knowlton/Sachner 5.5 1.0
Next Spring an Oriole Whelan, Gloria 4.5 1.0
Next Time I Will Orgel, Doris 2.7 0.5
Nez Perce, The Osinski, A. 5.1 0.5
Niagara Falls Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandle 3.9 2.0
Nicola's Floating Home (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 4.1 0.5
Night Bird Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.5 1.0
Night in Terror Tower, A Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0
Night Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 5.0
Night of the Full Moon Whelan, Gloria 4.2 1.0
Night of the Living Dummy Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0
Night of the Living Dummy II Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0
Night of the Living Dummy III Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0
Night of the Twisters Ruckman, Ivy 4.7 4.0
Night Terrors Murphy, Jim 5.2 6.0
Night the White Deer Died, The Paulsen, Gary 5.7 3.0
Night Tree Bunting, Eve 3.3 0.5
Nightjohn Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0
Nighty-Nightmare Howe, James 4.2 2.0
No Bean Sprouts, Please Hiser, Constance 4.2 1.0
No Dogs Allowed Cutler, Jane 4.0 2.0
No Fair! Holtzman, Caren 1.4 0.5
No Fighting, No Biting! Minarik, Else H. 2.6 0.5