Title Author Book Cover Point Value
B. Bears' New Neighbors, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.4 0.5
B. Bears No Girls Allowed, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.7 0.5
B. Bears on the Job, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.5 0.5
B. Bears Trick or Treat, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5
B. Bears'  Trouble at School, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5
B. Bears' Trouble with Money. The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5
B. Bears' Trouble with Pets, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5
B. Bears Visit the Dentist, The  Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5
B is for Betsy Haywood, Garolyn 4.3 2.0
Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave Mayer, Marianna 5.3 1.0
Babar and the Ghost deBrunhoff, Laurent 2.1 0.5
Babar Learns To Cook deBrunhoff, Laurent 3.6 0.5
Babar's Little Circus Star deBrunhoff, Laurent 1.5 0.5
Babar's Picnic deBrunhoff, Laurent 1.2 0.5
BabeRuth: One of Baseball's Greatest VanRiper, Guernsey 3.5 3.0
Babe, the Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 5.6 3.0
Babushka's Doll Polacco, Patricia 2.4 0.5
Baby Animals Podendorf, Illa 3.1 0.5
Baby Bunny, THe Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5
Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses Hest, Amy 1.9 0.5
Baby Moses Hayward, Linda 1.8 0.5
Baby Sister for Frances, A Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5
Baby Sister Says No Mayer, Mercer 1.8 0.5
Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0
Babysitter II, THe Stine, R.L. 5.8 5.0
Babysitter III, The Stine, R.L. 3.7 4.0
Babysitter, The Stine, R.L. 5.3 5.0
Back and Forth (Pebble Books) Schaefer, Lola M. 1.5 0.5
Back Home Pinkney, Gloria Jean 3.5 0.5
Back To School With Betsy Haywood,Carolyn 3.7 2.0
Back Yard Angel Delton, Judy 4.3 2.0
Backup Goalie Hughes, Dean 4.2 2.0
Backyard Dragon Sterman. Betsy/Samuel 4.4 5.0
Bacteria and Vinses LeMaster, Leslie 5.4 0.5
Bad Dreams Stine R.L. 3.8 4.0
Bad Hare Day Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0
Bag of Smiles, The Cowley, Joy 2.5 0.5
Bold Eagles Lepthien, Emilie 4.2 0.5
Ball Book, The Hillert, margaret 1.0 0.5
Ballad of Robin Hood, The Juddery, Anne 4.4 0.5
Ballet School (Crabapples) Kalman/Gentile 4.9 0.5