Minford High School
Bible Club
2001 - 2002

First Row:  Matt Crawford, Mark Applegate, Andrea Smith, Leighann Fyffe, Cathy Brown, Teresa Bravo

Second Row:  Rachael Cowgill, April O'Dell, Amber Applegate, Amy Brooks, Casandra Bell, Jessica Gleim, Rachael Jenkins

Third Row:  Brittany Adams, Alicia Dayton, Amber Dowdy, Mandy Donahoe, Sarah McGraw, Hayden Zeis

Fourth Row:  Chris Parker, Laura Tingler, Lynnsey Bias, Phil Hay, Jonathan Frye, Kim Woloschek

Fifth Row:  Aaron Lore, Luke Slone, Cody Simpson, Zach Conkel, Brent Frazie, Ryan Souders

Not pictured:  Jessica Williams, Matthew Hoskins

Mrs. Sue Fetters, Mr. Brett McGraw

The Bible Club meets every Thursday after school.  All students are welcome.

Upcoming Events:
Fifth Quarter after the game Bible Club devotions

Date: October 26, 2001
Time: After the game.
Where: In the cafeteria of the High School

The club is planning events for the future, including conducting Sunday evening services in local churches.  To schedule services you may e-mail Mrs Fetters at sfetters@minford.k12.oh.us or call the school at 820-3445 to leave a message.

Sponsors: Mrs. Sue Fetters, Mr. Brett McGraw