Basketball Homecoming Practice
(The day before the real thing)
  Lady in Red...
Lindsay Howard
Escorted By:
Andrew Shonkwiler
Eli Parkes

Ellen Substitutes Eli Parkes for practice Homecoming. Queen Lindsay Howard and one of her escorts A.Shonkwiler

(Senior Attendant)
 Kristin Bennet
Escorted By:
Benjamin Whitt

Senior attendant Kristen Bennet and escort Benjamin Whitt Look at the smiling faces

 (Junior Attendant)
Melissa Dials
escorted By:
Nate Frazie

Nate Frazie and Mellissa Dials practicing up. Dials and her escort Nate Dogg Frazie

(Sophomore Attendant)
Jessica James
escorted By:
Jared Simpson

Jessica James and her escort Jared Simpson The Serious pose

(Freshman Attendant)
Arrika Shonkwiler
Escorted By:
Nick Clausing

Arrika Shonkwiler and Nick Clausing getting ready for the big night. Same two just having a little fun. 


(Vocational School Attendant)
Karrie Blackburn
Escoretd By:
Jeremy Frazie

Vocational Attendant Karrie Blackburn and Substitute Caleb Bruiser Gullion Jeremy was late to homecoming practice so Caleb filled his spot.