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Third Level 1
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Third Level 5


This column is a good place for third level navigation or additional content. The headline above is made up of two graphics and text so it is easily modified to meet your needs.





You can do-it-yourself, or you can hire us to create a custom version for you.


This is a great learning tool. You can buy this, make several copies, and tear the copies apart to see what makes them tick. See instructions for more info.

Hire Us

If you have a logo and specific graphics and colors that need to be integrated into your web, then it might be better to hire us to take care of that for you. Send your custom web template specifications to sandy@thetemplatestore.com for pricing.

For instructions on customizing the left graphic, see the instructions page.


This box is an include page. You can use it to insert text or images you wish to highlight. It would be good for updates or news items, special features, etc.

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FrontPage website templates by The Template Store