Hi, my name is Kasie McCreary and I'm a sophomore. I've been in Concert
Band for 5 years, Jazz Band for 3 years, and Marching Band for 3 years.
Here's some more info about me so you can get to know me better:
I play: trumpet
My Favorite Marching Show: Smashing Pumpkins (02-03)
My Favorite Band Competition: Spring Valley, WV
Favorite Pastimes(besides band): Being with friends and boyfriend
Role Models: Anna Nicole Smith and Todd Frazie, lol
Musical Influences: The Doors, U2, Pink Floyd
Philosophy on Life: French Fries=World!
Funniest Moment Ever: When Joey Lewis fell off a prop during band practice
and broke his trombone
Welp, that's pretty much it. I'm really proud of the band and all they've
accomplished. Seeya at the halftime!