Music has been an important part of Minford High School since the school was formed. The first chorus class at MHS was organized in the 1924 - 1925 school year. It was called the Glee Club. A notation in the 1925 yearbook, written by Irma Dodds says:
"The Minford High School Glee Club was organized in the year of 1924, as an extra-curricular subject, under the direction of Professor R. G. Wood.
The aim of our society has been to give the members a more thorough knowledge of the rudiments of music and to better acquaint them with the classical melodies, which, because of the simplicity and sweetness, will always live. Melodies like "The Anvil Chorus," "Southern Memories," and "L'll Liza Jane," I feel sure will always be remembered in the minds of the members of the Glee Club.
Professor Wood deserves much credit for the work he has done and also for the patience he has shown. I believe most of us now know what four-four time means and what f,ff or p,pp means, but I double whether one-eighth of the class knew what they meant previous to our organization.
The Glee Club has sun at several entertainments, such as the farmers institute, Halloween festival, also at the fourth lyceum course numjber which was furnished by the Glee Club. Following is the program arranged for that entertainment.
High School Cadets - High School Orchestra
Anvil Chorus - High School Glee Club
Anvil Chorus - High School Glee Club
Cornet Solo - Lawrence Coriell
Cornet Solo - Sun of My Soul - Dayle Dodds
Fuss vs. Feathers - Playlet (Players listed below:Fenner, Minnie Dixson, Avanell Milan, Howard Frowine, Ottis Newman, John Carr, Venie Kayser, Nellie Kuhn, Edna Irwin, Irma Dodds, Bertha Snyder and Hazel Andre.
Old Sol Hicks and the Beanville Choir, sung by Minta Irwin, Hazel Andre, Mildred Haywood, Nola Samson, Ottis Newman, Venia Kayser, Lowell Thompson.
Men of Ohio - High School Orchestra
The Old Gang of Mine - Nellie Kuhns, Erma Kayser Accompanied by Irma Dodds on the piano.
Pat's Matrimonial Adventure - Playlet
The Meeting of the Hen Roost Club - Gerald Knore, Ottis Newman, Paul Helt, Howard Frowine, Paul Dawson, Bernard Bennett, John Carr, Everett Snyder
Smilin' Through - Mildred Haywood, Hazel Andre, Nola Samson, Minta Irwin, accompanied on the piano by Irma Dodds.
What'll I Do - High School Glee Club Accompanied by Irma DoddsSailing - High School Glee Club accompained by Minta Irwin
Monologue - Lowell Thompson
America For Me - Song by the Glee Club and Recitation by Erma Kayser
The organization has served several good purposes; first, taught us music; second taught us the beauty and value of music; and last but not least, it has cured, after several public appearances, that terrible "disease" or stage fright."
A photo of the first Glee Club is below:
E. Snyder, H. Bennett, G. Knore, V. Smith, R. Powell, V. Kayser, G. Giles, B. Bennett, H. Frowine, P. Dawson, P. Helt, D. Snyder, E. Moore, C. Dodds, E. Giles, O. Newman, L. Thompson, E. Deemer, R. Grimshaw, I. Dodds, pianist
M. Smith, M. Dixon, H. Smith, K. Rase, L. Fenner, E. Kayser, A. Sherbourne, M. Heywood, H. Andre, E. Powell, G. Conkel, N. Samson, A. Irvin, M. Irvin.