March Athletic Booster Meeting Minutes


Falcon 5K Run
Dennis Prater is working on obtaining sponsors.
Members voted "YES" to work with as online payment source to sign up for race. charges 6% to handle all credit card sign ups.
Follow-up meeting for run committee is next March 10th at 6:00pm.


Minford Madness
Sponsored by football and tag.
Tickets are on sale.
Dinner and drawing is Saturday March 17th.


Fall Falcon Fortune
Presale tickets to go sale beginning of April.
Dianne Smith volunteered to decorate and be on subcommittee for Falcon Fortune.


Track Meet Concession Stand
Volunteers are needed for concession stand at high school track invitational.
First invitational is scheduled for April 8th.


Athletic Programs Requesting Assistance
Track Coach Mark Shonkwiler is requesting funds for new track pit.
Jr. High Football is requesting boosters to sponsor 1/2 of helmet reconditioning cost of $1200-$1500.
Boys soccer is requesting money to have an instruction camp the 2nd week of June.
All decisions regarding money requests have been put off until a later date.


Next meeting is Tuesday April 8th at 6:00pm.