Calendar of Events
October 1924

October 1, 1924 - Large detention class after school.  Students determine to study more.

October 2, 1924 - Boys practice for clash with McDermott.  Minford cannot afford to lose any of the ball games.

October 3, 1924 - Ball game with McDermott on our diamond.  Hurrah!  We win 11 - 13.

October 6, 1924 - Too many low grades; faculty advises more studying as a remedy.

October 7, 1924 - Start out the day right by a song before classes.  Agriculture class goes on hike.

October 8, 1924 - Glee Club meets, not very large attendance, majority in detention.

October 9, 1924 - Fire drill during school, general excitement.  No one hurt however.  Earl Giles entertains an audience at noon by catching bugs for his agriculture experiments.

October 10, 1924 - Mr. Jones our last year's principal, gives a talk before our school.  Few observed weeping.  Ball game with Otway.  They win.

October 13, 1924 - Tickets for lyceum course handed out to students to sell.

October 14, 1924 - Nothing exciting happens.  Students take a more serious attitude toward work.

October 15, 1924 - Glee Club meets.  Mrs. Violet keeps her geometry class for detention.

October 16, 1924 - Office is moved.  We are all glad, as the farther away from the study hall the better.

October 17, 1924 - Six weeks exams.

October 20, 1924 - Electric bells put in classrooms.  Mr. Wood tells everybody to watch the workmen and we did.  Damon Snyder holds the record in ticket selling contest.

October 21, 1924 - E. G. comes into the study hall carrying a frog.  He wants to know if it is an animal or an insect.

October 22, 1924 - Charter of MHS is put in assembly.  We are all proud to know our HS is a first class one.

October 23, 1924 - Seniors have a meeting and decide to put out an annual.  Entire school visits the making of roads.

October 24, 1924 - No school.  Teachers go to Athens.

October 27, 1924 - Teachers back again.  Mrs. Violet tells Seniors in American History class, what a good time she had.

October 28, 1924 - Orchestra practice pieces for Saturday night.

October 29, 1924 - Glee Club practices songs for Saturday evening.  Girls try out for basketball.

October 30, 1924 - Volunteers for services during Halloween Festival.  Damon Snyder announces he is a good cook.

October 31, 1924 - The rain settles the dust, also our basketball game scheduled with Stockdale.