Junior Class History

At the beginning of the school year '24-'25 there were fourteen members enrolled in the Junior Class. Nearly all were members of the Sophomore Class here, from last year' excepting a few, who came from other schools this year.

Floyd Bennett, Theora Poole, Ulrich Smith, Hulda Smith, and Russell Powell spent their Freshmen year at Wheelersburg, but their Sophmore year at Minford.
Launa Parks, Lillian Fenner, and Ottis Newman, went one year to Sciotoville: then came to Minford for their Sophmore year.

Our Sophmore year started with an enrollment of twelve students, at the end of the year, however, due to the fact that one withdrew we had a number of only eleven.

At the Beginning of the next year '24-'25 our number had increased to fourteen. Those joining us were Avanelle Sherborne, who came from Lucasville and Lowell Thompson and Opal Browning, both of whom attended Stockdale High School, the previous year.

Under the conditions which we worked last year in the church we could not accomplish much, being hampered up in the church as we were the first semester. There was a noticeable difference in our work after we moved into our new school building, for everyone semed to take more interest in school affairs. This year '24-'25, we have probably accomplished more than any other year previous.

When the athletic season rolled around seven of our number participated in basketball and some in baseball.

Everyone was a booster for his class and did all he could to keep it's banners floating high.

The Junior Class Motto for the year was:
"To make the Best Better."

Class Colors,-
"Old Rose and Silver Gray."

The class had as President Ottis Newman, Vice President Lowell Thompson, and Treasurer Nellie Kuhns.

The Seniors who were to graduate in '25 were banqueted by the Juniors. As a plan to raise a fund for which to banquet the Seniors a play was given "The Bug Hunter."

The cast for the play was as follows:
Lewis Rutledge....................................Lowell Thompson
Nobe Harley........................................Launa Parks
Mrs. Squire.........................................Ottis Newman
Perry Holcomb...................................Ulrich Smith
Alfie Hartley.......................................Nellie Kuhns
Sid Bartlett..........................................Russell Powell
Antasia Bacus......................................Theora Poole
Mrs. Bradley........................................Lillian Fenner
Ann Bradley.........................................Opal Browning

As juniors we fel proud of our accomplishments and look forward to our Seniors year with even greater aspirations and expectations than we have heretofore realized. We sincerely hope that with the opening of school in '25 that our class shall consist of all its fourteen members and that in our final year of high school work, the same loyal class spirit that we have this year enjoyed will prevail.

-OTTIS NEWMAN, President
