Largest Rural Class in County Receives Diplomas Tuesday NightForty-two seniors, the largest number of any rural school in Scioto County, received their diplomas Tuesday night at the commencement exercises at Minford High School. The largest crowd in the history of Minford graduation exercises attended the commencement and many had to be turned away.
E. H. Darrow, celebrated radio schoolmaster, delivered the commencement address, one of the best ever heard in Minford. Mary Bennett and Lena Kronk, who tied for honors in scholastic standing, and Wanda Dever, were the three graduates who spoke. E. O. McCowen, county superintendent, also spoke. Music was furnished by the Minford school orchestra under Prof. Giles. more than 100 atended the junior-senior banquet at the high school Monday night. The banquet was in charge of Miss Beatrice Coriell. The annual alumni reunion will be held at the high school Saturday night.
Emogene Mary Bennett
Mary Margaret Bennett
Willard J. Brame
Joseph Fredrick Brisker
Charles Allen Brown
Velva Louise Browning
Blanche Casebolt
Elva Cecil Caudill
Charles Franklin Coles
Louise Coriell
Georgia Elsa Davis
Mary Ellen Dawson
Violet Deemer
Wanda Leota Dever
Ivan Dale Dodds
Dona Mae Durham
Andrew Orel Eckhart
Clifton Fannin
Terry Giles
Clifford Oscar Jenkins
Arlos C. Keene
Lena Mildred Kronk
Maurice Dale May
Beulah Jean Maynard
Cecil Nibert
Wells Milton Oberley
Carolyn Naomi Parsons
Raymond Pfleger
Dorotha Maxine Poole
Lemoyne Powell
Erma Naomi Rase
William Reed
Ledgie Procter Sagraves
Easter Lilly Scott
Clyde Eldon Shoemaker
Geraldine Franceil Shonkwiler
Clara Trimble
Roy Carols Walker
Okey Wheeler
Martha Till White
Clarence Quinten Williams
Julia Wilson
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