Class of 1943
20th MHS Graduating Class

Graduates of 1943
Albert N. Hull, Executive Head Edwin Duncan, Principal
Row 1: Helen Sturgill, Lois Kitchen, Doris Herrmann, Lucille Bennett, Marilyn
White, Faye Collins, Olive Karr.
Row 2: Juanita Whitley, Edith Moore, Catherine Kronk, Anna Lore, Dorothy Wilson,
Frances Wilson, Ruby Clark.
Row 3: Alma Weeks, Faye Montgomery, Beatrice Sparks, Wilard Oney, Gaye Brown,
Wilma Stidham, Charles Hutchinson.
Row 4: Vernon Reese, Emmitt Coriell, Cleo Conkel, Leo Conkel, Robert McLaughlin.
Picture courtesy of Helen Sturgill Eshem
Earl Adkins
Lucille Bennett
Mildred Bower
Mavis Brickey
Gay Brown
Ruby Clark
Fay Collier
Cleo Conkel
Leo Conkel
Richard Cooper
Emmett Coriell
Avanelle Fisher
Roy Hafer
Doris Herrmann
Charles Hutchinson
Olive Karr
Lois Kitchen
Catherine Kronk
Anna Lore
Robert McLaughlin
Albert Melvin
Pauline Milam
Faye Montgomery
Edith Moore
Willard Oney
Richard Pierce
Vernon Reese
Russell Lee Scott
Tinnis Scott
Beatrice Sparks
Wilma Stidham
Helen Sturgill
Alma Weeks
Isaac Wells
Marilyn White
Juanita Whitley
Arlie J. Williams
Dorothy Wilson
Frances Wilson
Hazel Yeagle