Class of 1957
34th MHS Graduating Class
Paul R. Adams
Ollie Henry Adkins
Larry Thomas Barnes
Delores Jean Bayes
Dorothy Suzanne Bender
Gerald Patrick Bennett
Margaret Anne Blackwell
Sharon Ruth Bonzo
Donna Faye Burchett
Florest Bird Cales
Garey Eugene Canter
Iris Nadine Carver
Joy Ruth Casebolt
Barbara Jean Collins
Jonnie Mac Conkel
Helen Eloise Conklin
Garnet Crabtree
Barbara Edith Davis
Ruth Ann Deemer
Norma June Diller
Curtis Ray Doyle
John Roger Gampp
Patsy Lou Gillispie
Dorothy Lillian Goff
Helen Marie Goff
Mary Alice Greene
William Earl Gregory
Bernard Leroy Hall
Katherine Hardyman
Barbara Havens
Carrol Ann Hawkins
Patricia Sue Hayzlip
Roger Lee Hiles
Janice Lea Howard
Audrey Lucille Irvin
Norma Jean Jarrell
Mabel Ruth Kallner
Vernon Glenn Kayser
Clara Louise King
Lawrence Ray King
Edna Grace Knore
Judith Ann Kronk
Donald Ray Lambert
Donna Stella Lee (Carpenter)-
Robert Darrel LeMaster
Harold Eugene Lilly
David Emerson Lockhart
Joyce Ann Lute
James Dean Madden
Judith Marion
Bill Martin
Betty Jane McDaniel
Maxine Elizabeth Moore
Patricia Ann Oberley
Ferris Perry Parker
Dan Earl Pfleger
Janet Marie Pyles
Mary Phyllis Rase
Charles Wendell Roe
Bonnie Jean Roffe
Julia Marie Royster
Carol Alice Sampson
Wanda J. Schisler
Thomas Dale Schomburg
Clara Ruth Seidel
Ruth Ann Seymour
Richard Keith Shonkwiler
Carolyn Sue Sims
Bonnie r. Sisler
Yvonne Kay Sisler
Thurman Max Smith
Larry Clinton Stanley
Nancy Ellouise Stigall
Guy W. Swaim
Gary Lee Walter
Ruth Ann Weaver
James Raymond White
Stanley Joe White
Margaret Ann Wiehle
Bill Williams
Clarence Everett Williams
Wanda Jean Williams
Donna Jean Williamson Smith
Carolyn Kay Wilson
Patricla Ann Wolgamott
Patricla Ann Yeagle
Sharon Kay Zempter
Class Officers:
President - Jim White
Vice President - Ruth Seidel
Secretary - Patsy Gillispie
Treasurer - Pat Wolgamott
Commencement: May 14, 1957, 8 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Floyd Foust
Class Motto: "Tonight We Launch, Where Shall We Anchor?"
Class Colors: Orchid and White
Class Flower: Orchid
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