Medical Society Announces Three Scholarship Winners
Article taken from The Portsmouth Daily Times, Wednesday, October 15, 2003
The board of governors of the Scioto County Area Foundation announces the three students who have been awarded scholorships from the Scioto County Medical Society Scholarship from the Scholaship Fund in recognition of their academic achievements.
The Scioto County Medical Society has awarded scholarships for a number of years to worthy students attending Medical School from Scioto County. The program was estabilished in 1971 with the creation of the Dr. Alden B. Oaks Scholarship Fund, honoring the first orthapedic surgeon in our area.
A second schoarship was added in 1997 to commemorate the life and work of Dr. Spencer K. Miller, who practiced family medicine in Sciotoville. Funds were awarded for the first time this year through the Scioto County Area Foudation.
Recipients of the 2003 Medical Society Scholarship awards are:
Nathan D. Bennington, a graduate of Minford High School and Shawnee State University with a bachelor of science in biology and a minor in chemistry. He recently completed his first year at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine.