Gerald Knore's Documented Flight Instruction
At the age of 77, Gerald Knore records an approximate total of 5,000 solo flying hours

May 8, 1939 Precision turn, gentle turns, and banks insturcted by Haney
May 15, 1939 3 different flights, 5 minutes each instructed by Haney, Lane, and Haney
May 22, 1939 Made 4 flights - one 1 hour, 2 thirty minute flights, and a 45 miutes flight instructed by Haney and Lane
June 14, 1939 six flight by Haney and Lane 
June 21, 1939 twon flights instructed by Lane
June 22, 1939 with a total of 10 hours, 30 minutes made first solo flight for 40 minutes
June 25, 1939 solo flight
June 26, 1939 three solo flights
July 9, 1939 four solo flights
July 16, 1939 three solo flights
July 17, 1939 a total of 10 hours, 30 minutes dual and 7 hours, 15 minutes solo to pass the flight test