Article taken from the Tuesday, December 16, 1913 edition of THE PORTSMOUTH TIMES.
At a meeting held in Harrisonville Monday night, the Harrisonville Farmers Institute was given a fine boost, and it gives promise of becoming a permanent affair in that village. Those present at the meeting were Ed Sampson, Charles Helt, Clarence Benett, George Shumway, Will Knore, and Louis Poole. Another meeting will be held shortly to boom the Institute.
At the closing season of the Harrison Township Farmers Institute held Thursday afternoon in the M.E. church at Harrisonville the following officers for the coming year were elected President, Charles Helt; Vice President, F.C. White; Secretary-Treasurer, Clarence Bennett. The selection of such a capable set of officials insures another good institute next year. The attendance at the Thursday sessions of the institute was very large, and _____ two days meeting (unreadable) of numbers and good accomplished. J.F. Jordon and T.B. Kibler, state speakers, made a favorable impression amoung the farmers of Harrison township, and their intelligent talks on subjects of interest to the farm provoked lively discussions.
Article taken from the Thursday, December 18, 1913
Large crowds have been attending the sessions of the Harrisonville
farmers institute which opened Wednesday morning and concludes with the Thursday
afternoon session. J.F. Gordon and T. R. Kibler, state speakers, have been addressing
large and attentive audiences on subjects - pertinent to farming and farm life,
and much interest has been manifested in the discussions that followed each
"The Business Side of farming" was the subject of J.F. Gordon's opening
adress Wednesday morning, followed by an adress on "Improving the Corn
Crop" by Mr. Kibler. The subjects at the Wednesday afternoon session were.
"When and How to Use Commercial Fertilizer" by an. Gordon and "Farm
Livestock." by Mr. Kibler.
The Methodist church, in which the sessions ere held was crowded to its capacity
Wednesday evening, when a special musical program by the church choir enlivened
the meeting. Mr. Gordon delivered an able address on the subject, "The
Making of Our Manhood and Womanhood" while another inspiring talk on "Our
Boys" was delivered by Mr. Kibler.
The Thursday session opened at 9 o'clock in the morning with another large crowd
on hand. "Dairy" was the subject of Mr. Gordon's talk while Mr. Kibler
followed with a practical discourse on the subject, "Shall We Grow Wheat"
In the afternoon Mr. Gordon spoke on "Organie matter" and Mr. Kibler
on "Farmers' Orehards."
Officers for the coming year (unreadable).Thursday afternoon meeting. The present
officers, who are responsible for the splendid institute just chosing are President,
Louis A. Coriell; Vice President, T.H. Bennett; Secretary-Treasurer, Ed F. Cranston.