Mrs. Samuel Jacobs
Article taken from The Marion Weekly Star, August 13, 1910
Succumbs to Tuberculosis at Her Home on Orchard Street.
Mrs. Samuel Jacobs died of tuberculosis at her home, No. 281 Orchard Street, shortly before 8 o'clock Friday evening. Her death had been expected for several weeks. She was aged forty-four years, eight months and fifteen days, and was endowed with a most lovable and kindly nature. Although she suffered much, she suffered uncomplainingly, and when the final summons came, she was ready to answer.
Mrs. Jacobs, who was formerly Miss Emma Sontag, was born at Harrisonville, Scioto county, and was married to Mr. Jacobs in 1888 in this city, where she had resided ever since. She is survived by her husband, one son L. Earl Jacobs; her mother , Mrs. Caroline Sontag, and three sisters and brothers--Mrs. Charles Kinney, Misses Anna and Flora Sontag, William, Lewis and Harry Sontag.
The deceased was a member of the Emanuel Lutheran church.
The funeral services, proper, were held at 2 o'clock, Monday afternoon. Rev. J. W. Schillinger ofliciated. He was assisted by Rev. E. F. W. Stelhorn, of Canton. Short services were held at the house, Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.