Harrison Township News

Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, April 15, 1876

Harrison Tp., April 10th, 1876.
Editor Times:-Allow me to give a few items from this place. The farmers it seems are taking advantage of the fine weather by plowing and sowing, and doubtless thinking they shall "reap in due season," if the grain comes up. Our school taught by Miss Wilson has closed; we miss her always pleasant voice and kind instructions. We are very sorry to say that our school closed very unpleasantly, not on the part of teacher or scholars, but awing to disturbance caused by some persons being intoxicated. Said individuals were arrested and taken before Esq. Titus, where justice was meted out to them. Fine and cost of each amounting to eighteen dollars and sixty cents ($18.60). Our school is now taught my M.A. Gray.

Mrs Bertha Railman is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ida Rigrish, and we learn that Miss Carie Windel is paying her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Seiling a visit. We are happy to state that Harrison township, has the famous Jabez Hawk in its midst. No doubt we are envied by other townships.

What has become of Jumbo and Timmy? Have they retired from the literary field, and shall no more be favored from them? Alas, our idols, we worshiped you too much.

Several young ladies received specimen cards, not with the name, but the portrait of the donor upon them. As they were dated April 1st, they were early for chickens, and were sent back. We hope after this the brood may be a united one, and will wander no more.

The charitable Republicans had no chance of showing their charity this election, as Mr. George Batterson was not a candidate for Constable. The gentleman who thought he helped by his charity to elect him before, had better watch his hen roost now, as he thinks Geo, cannot live without office, or aid of his Republican friends.

The water works erected by Mr. Pixley on the farm of O. Batterson attracts a great deal of attention, especially from horses.

We had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with one of the special correspondents of the TIMES a short time since.

A sabbath school has been organized in the adjoining township (Porter). May they succeed.

That girl at Sciotoville says she did not send that April Fool. So Tim look elsewhere.