Scioto P.O. News

September 23, 1893

Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, September 23, 1893

It was granted at the last meeting of the township schoolboard that a new school nouse be built on Bonsor Run, or near there next summer.  The board did not feel able to build right away so it was put off until next summer.

Arthur Hainws furnishes coal for four of the districts of Harrison twonship.  He gets it from his own mines near Webster.

Albert Frowine, of Portsmouth, was visiting his parants Sunday, week.

Sunday, September 10th Rev. Lawerence preached his farewell sermon at the Shumway chaple, as did Rev. Smith, of the Harrison Mills church.

Minerva VDever, of Harrison Mills, is mending after a short illness.

Charly Reinoebl is getting over his broken leg as rapidly as could be expected.

M. H. Shumway informs us he will teach his school, as he will not go into the auditor's office untile next May.

Schools are beginning all around.  C.M. Aults school at the Glade commenced at Bennet's Monday, September 4th.

F. C. White gave an apple cutting last Monday evening that was a grand success.

Edward Mault, of near the new church and Phoebe Tritt, of Blue Run, were married by Rev. August Frowine Thursday, September 7th.  May joy be theirs.