News from Minford
Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, Friday, January 2,1931
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCoy and daughter Cora, of Salem, had as Christmas guests Homer Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Harlin McCoy of Columbus.
Members of the Zaier family held a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Coles of Fairview on Christmas. Those present were Zaler and family and Joseph Zaler and family of Lucasville and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Coles and family.
Miss Theresa Kronk of Carmel has returned from Jackson where she has been visiting her cousin Charles Kronk and family.
The home of Mrs. Maggle Warren and her brother Jacob Garrett at White Gravel was the scene of gay Christmas festivities when the following relatives gathered at the home and partook of a bounteous Christmas dinner. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis and children Orval, Dale and Elson of Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren and Infant daughter Readia. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warren and children Altha, Mildred, Bord and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Warren and children Garnet, Junior, Maxine and Ruwena of Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allen and children Rollo and June of Nauvoo. Hellen Corret and sons Paul and Raymond of Minford. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiseman of Cove, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Van Fosson of Beaver.
Miss Ethel Brame entertained her many friends Saturday with a birthday dinner in honor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther McCoy of Wheelersburg were weekend guests of relatives at Salem.