Scioto Post Office
Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, Saturday, September 9, 1893, p. 3
Since our last Mr. John Rigrish, of Scioto Mills, lost a horse, by getting its leg broken.
Charley Frowine has had a slate roof put upon his house, adding much to its beauty.
Rufus Pool has treated the roof of his house to a new coat of paint. Jenkins W. Pool was the painter.
Mr. George Dever, of Illinios, has been visiting his brother, John Dever, of Galde and also his mother and other brothers, of Jackson, Ohio, during the last two weeks.
Messers John Dever, G. S. Neary and Jesse Monroe attened the reunion at Jackson last Tuesday and Wednesday. They reported a big affair.
At a meeting of the township board there were two terachers hired--E.L. Nourse for Bonsor Run school, and H. Clay Lantz for Harrison Vurnace school.M.H. Shumway will hardly teach his school, since he has been appointed deputy auditor. Consequently Sunshine school will be in need of a teacher. Meads school is without a teacher also.
A picnic was given at Harrisonville Saturday by Messrs. Arthur Snodgrass, John Shane, C. W. Crull and Harvey Gregory. The crowd was small but lively. A sunday school celebration was also given at California, Pike County, which was a great success.
Robert Wooke who has been working for Robert Frownie all summer gave up his job to a Mr. Seidel last week.
James Wheeler, of Pine Creek, is helping his brother Isaac, of Harrison Mills repair his saw mill.
Jack Gibson, who has been living on the Hopkins place, is going to move into the house belonging to Micheal Dever in the near future.
Samuel Monroe is at home for a few days from his work in Iowa, where he has been for several weeks.
John R. Monroe, of Flat, Pike county was visiting at his parents Sunday.
Miss Sarah R. Sikes and her brother, James of Harrison Mills, were calling in the Glade Sunday.
Dr. J. B. Ray, of Harrisonville, performed a delicate surghent operation on Mrs. Rigrish, of American, Thursday last. She was improving rapidly when last heard from.
Republicans like to boast of the wonderful progress we have made during the past thirty years under their rule. Now, we are all glad to know we are progressing and doing well, but would you not think it a little strange if sixty-five million people, hard at work, were not progressing and creating wealth? It is but natural. But to know than whether we are making wealth, faster than England, the seat of their attack, we must make comparision between them, making allowance for difference. From 1840 to 1880 Great Britian doubled her wealth, while the United States increased her's ten fold. You will observe that twenty years of the above time, from 1840 to 1860, was under a low tariff, trade being restricted as little as possible. In other words the democratic party was in power from 1840 to 1860, while the republican party was in power from that tiome on until 1880, or the last twenty years. Now, we will come on to 1887 when Great Britain, with a population of 31,819,970 and upon and are of 88,000 square miles, was making wealth at the average rate of of $375,000,000 per year, while the Untide Sates, with a populations of about 60,000,000 and upon an area of about 8,500,000 square miles was making wealth an average rate of $25,000,000 per annum. You see, now, that we are not. considering our advantasges, making wealth as fast as Great Britain in propotrion and forty times the terrtiory to work upon, are only a little more than doubling. Great Briatin's annual increase of welth. Besides there are sevreal other advages we have that help us along in wealth. Protection then is not the cause of our wealth, for England is a free trade country, and has been since 1846. So much fir boasted protection.