John C. Knore

John C. Knore was a native of Germany. After the family arrived in America, they traveled by flatboat from Pennsylvania down the Ohio River to Sciotoville. He bought a track of land in what what was know as the Sunshine area and became a farmer. John C. Knore's wife was named Annie. They had two children who lived to maturity, Caroline, called Cal, and Henry C.

The Knore home stood on Rt. 335 in the vicinity of the present Lady Bug Greenhouse. When the railroad went through it took much of the Knore farm including the site where the house stood. The railroad built a new house for the Knores. It is still standing on Rt. 335 across from the greenhouse. It is now owned by Dale and Regina Williams Kuhn. Both John and Annie were buried of the farm. Their graves stand at the edge of the roadwhere it craves to go down by the river.