My, How Things Have Changed!
Photo from 1946 Yearbook
The photo was probably taken before 1930 because the buses still read
Minford Rural School District, Scioto County.
The District changed its name to Minford Local School District in 1930.
Information below taken from old Board of Education records
September 1, 1922 - The school decided to "furnish and run a school truck from Bennetts School House over Glades Road to Dever Pike at New Church and over Dever Pike to Minford and to Sciotoville over Niner Hill." The school truck driver received the following payment:
8 or 9 students at $1.00 per head
10 or 11 students at .90 per head
12, 13, 14 students at .80 per head
15 and more at .75 per head
June 23, 1923 -The total cost of purchasing and installing blackboards for the new high school, $560.
Tablet arm chairs, $5.50 each
February 5, 1923 - The Clerk salary was set at $250 for the year.
January 7, 1924 - School board votes to allow teachers to have one week vacation.
February 4, 1924 - Board decides to buy shields for lights in auditorium. Board president mandated to notify teachers that "if any more are broken, the one breaking same is to pay for it."
April 7, 1924 - Board takes out $5,000 insurance policy on new high school building and $5,000 on its contents.
May 5, 1924 - Board votes to "pay teachers as soon as possible after close of high school."
July 7, 1924 - Principal A.G. Wood hired for high school. His salary was set at $2,100. He also had to teach classes and be advisor for extra-curricular activities.
July 6, 1925 - Ira Coriell wins bid to supply school with coal at $6.00 per ton.
February 1, 1926 - Board mandates that "teachers are to be at their desk 1/2 hour before school and to remain there 1/2 hour after school."
October 18, 1926 - Board agrees to order one Kolograph machine for the high school.
January 24, 1927 - Clerk instructed to order from Rand McNally and Co., 10 copies of Mace and Tamer's "The Story of Old Europe and Young America."
May 2, 1927 - "Resolved by the Board of Education of the Minford Rural School District, Scioto County, Ohio, that we employ no married women to teach in the grade schools of said district, and be it further resolved that should any woman teacher get married during the term of her employment, her contract as teacher automatically expires and becomes null and void."
October 3, 1927 - "Janitors of the one-room grade buildings be paid $3.00 per month for their services."
February 26, 1928 - Teacher Alma Willis got married, but board decided to "permit her to finish teaching the present term of school."
February 6, 1928 - Total monthly expenditure for teacher's salaries - $2,002.50
March 5, 1928 - The Clerk is instructed to notify teachers that "they must be at their respective schools at least 1/2 hour before the beginning of school and to remain after the regular hour of dismissal until the pupils have left the school premises."
June 4, 1928 - Resolution passed on May 2, 1927 forbidding the employment of married women in the elementary schools "is hereby repealed."
August 23, 1928 - Mr. Walter Cook hired as high school teacher and coach for the ensuing year at a salary of $1,800.
August 27, 1928 - Children who will be 6 years old before January 1 of any year may enter at the beginning of that school year. Those who will not be 6 years until on or after January 1 of any year, shall not enter until the beginning of the next school year.
November 8, 1946 - Juniors sold chances for nylons & candy at McDermott basketball game.
March 1, 1956 - Board agrees to erect a sign at Bonser School, "No loafing by order of Board of Education."
July 20, 1959 - Board accepts offer by A.P. Hunt to buy 26.297 acres of land along Bond Road and Route 335. Purchase price $26,297.
November 10, 1960 - Board purchases a 66 passenger school bus, B-700 Ford, from Vallery Ford for $6,134.
October 24, 1962 - An emergency board meeting was called "because of the Cuban conflict and measures that must be taken to evacuate children from the schools or take care of them at the school in case of an emergency arose."
1946 Symphony Hall