The information below was taken from the January 1, 1934 edition of THE PORTSMOUTH TIMES, page 11. (There may be spelling errors, especially in names. Some information was very difficult to read. Please refer to the original microfilm in the Portsmouth Public Library for clarifications.)
Brown Heads Bank, Father M'Guirk Dies
January 1 - Virgil Fowler was ____
from tragic calls after 10 years as coronor of Scioto County.
Alfred Schafer of 1605 Fourth Street won the annual Christmas lighting contest.
January 2 - First baby of 1933 was a girl born to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arthurs of Sciotoville.
January 4 - Floyd Smith of 1021 Chillicothe Street and Clyde Cook of 1100 Tenth Street were arrested for aiding and abetting the escape of Homer Cook, bandit, from Scioto County jail.
January 9- Maurice Cremeans, 27, of Walsh, Kentucky, was killed by a train near Fullerton, Ky, while on his way to church . . . Lillian Wiltshire of Nauvoo won the sixth congressional District Prince of Peace contest.
January 11 - C. A. Brown of Cadiz was named president of First National Band and Dan Conroy, president was named chairman of the board of directors.
January 12 - Mrs. C. H. Brechner resigned as Girl Scout director.
January 15 - George Kricker was re-elected president of Security Central National bank.
January 16 - Stanley Hopkins, 2134 Argonne Road, official of Portsmouth works, Wheeling Steel Corp. died suddenly in Schirrman Hospital after being stricken with a heart attack at his office.
January 17 - Mrs. Nettie Sparks, 1220 Tenth Street, Mrs. Maggie Aldridge of Pond Creek, Robert Conley, 8, and Thomas Kennedy of Lewis county, Ky, were drowned in the Ohio river at Sandy Springs when a machine in which they were riding backed off the ferry.
January 20 - Mrs. Pearl Hock, 42, Sciotoville, was shot by her son-in-law, Oscar Allen for abuse of his wife.
January 22 - Highways around the city were blocked by high water.
January 25 - Bandit robbed Dr. O. D. Ta____ of Fourth and Waller streets of $15 and his Packard sedan.
January 26 - Monsignor J. E. McGuirk, priest at Holy Redeemer church for 41 years, died in Mercy hospital.
January 28 - Washington hotel was sold under the hammer to Portsmouth Banking Co., for $16,150.
Banks Put Limit on All Withdrawals
February 1 - Deputy Sheriff Elza _______ was permanently suspended as jailer for county in an _____ move.
February 4 - Frank Kalakewieb and Charles Neal of 1307 Findlay Street were arrested on charges of a series of penalities.
February 8 - County lost $96,000 because of court ruling that intangible tax distribution law was unconstitutional.
February 11 - Robbers hauled safe from ____ parlors Fourth and Court Streets with $150 in cash in it.
February 15 - Police seized machine operated by race bookies at Play House.
February 17 - Flames destroyed the John Davis 19-room hotel at Fullerton, Ky.
February 19 - Virginia Evans, a daughter of James Evans of 1807 Eighth Street was killed when struck by a machine near her home.
February 20 - Marcella Burling, 20, student nurse at Mercy Hospital and daughter of Mrs. A. H. McKenzie of 1144 Gallia Street was killed when the food elevator fell on her.
February 23 - School board appropriation was cut $16,195.
February 24 - John Vance, 52, and Gilbert Bauer, 60, were killed when the saw mill boiler on the Vance farm near Powellsville exploded.
February 26 - Bandit took $300 from cashier at LaRoy theater in daring holdup during business hours.
February 27 - Oscar Allen was sentenced to pen for from one to 20 years on a manslaughter charge in connection with the slaying of his mother, Mrs. Pearl Heck, Sciotoville,
February 28 - Banks in Portsmouth adopted the limitation withdrawal rule . . . Anderson Brothers Co. went into receivership.
Bank and Flood Worries in March
March 1 - Charles Ramey, 15, son of James Ramey of 5315 Wilson Avenue was seriously injured when attacked by a cow.
March 2 - Manslaughter charge was filed against Francis Appleton of Dry Run, driver of machine that struck and killed Floyd Apel, 5, son of Chester Apel of 1701 Eighth Street.
March 3 - Escrow scrip was urged in city as banks continued on limited withdrawals.
March 6 - Portsmouth banks closed entirely in cooperation with President Roosevelt's bank holidy throughout the nation.
March 7 - Portsmouth banks opened on restricted basis . . . . A. L. Mercer was re-elected head of Vulcan Corp.
March 9 - Felix Hans, well known Jewis president and merchant of 1716 Hutchins street died in Jewish hospital, Cincinnati.
March 10 - Death summoned James A. Kelley, prominent contractor . . . City was on scrip basis in all trades.
March 14 - Miss Nellie Brand, 14, daughter of Adam Brand of Wetmore, Pike County, died of injuries sustained in a bus accident on the Scioto trail.
March 15 - Security Central National Bank and Portsmouth Banking Co., opened on unrestricted basis, but First National Bank remained on restricted basis.
March 16 - High water covered Y road and the Scioto trail at Piketon.
March 17 - Announcement was made that the First National Bank would operate under a converator . . . John I. Mercer, pioneer druggist died at his home on Eighth Street.
March ?? - City feared flood threat as the river was expected to reach 60 ___________ . _____ was mobilized in case of danger.
March ?? - Merchants in city moved __________ of flood danger and _______________.
March ?? - Flood crest reached 60.5 and (unreadable)
March ?? - Flood crest remained at 60.5 (Unreadable) dle Shingleton of Manchester was drowned in flood waters.
March 23 - C. A. Brown, newly appointed president of First National Bank was designated as conservator.
March 27 - Charles Cook, 623 Eighth Street employee of Midland Grocery Co., died of a heart attack while at work.
March 29 - Frank Purdy, deputy Sheriff, was held in Kentucky on a charge of slaying Jack Porter, whom he shot when Porter resisted arrest near Cattlesburg, Ky.
March 30 - Otis Pearson, 27, Negro, of Lakeview, was killed when struck by an auto and Orin Canter, city bus driver was arrested in connection with the accident.
Mystery Death of Girls on April 1
April 1 - Muriel Howard, daughter of Millard Howard of Scioto Furnace and Doris White McCormick, daughter of Mrs. Maude White, 710 Findlay Street, were found dead in a room at their boarding house, 530 Fourth street and police were investigating puzzling features of the mystery surrounding the deaths.
April 2 - Hugh Benner, 47, Feurt Hill road, foreman of Clay township roads, was fatally crushed under a truck.
April 5 - Charles F. Miller, well known tailor, died at his home 538 Second street.
April 7 - First legal beer arrived in Portsmouth.
April 8 - F. R. M. Carson, 432 Waller street, prominent real estate dealer was found dead.
April 10 - Announcement was made that a forest camp would be established on the local game preserve.
April 12 - Apoplexy was the cause of the death of W. R. Richardson, attorney, who died at his home 1708 Hutchins street . . . Dr. George Marshall, former member of Hempstead Academy of Medicine, died at his home on Hayport road.
April 13 - Miss Margaret T. Ricker, for 37 years a teacher in Portsmouth schools and well known throughout the city, died suddenly at her home 537 Fifth street.
April 14 - Billy Pohlman, 3, son of George Polhman of Front and Market Streets, drowned in Ohio river . . . Frank Knauss reported bonds valued at $67,000 were missing.
April 17 - Joseph H. Brant, president of Lucasville bank was appointed conservator of the bank.
April 18 - Rev. H. G. Vorsheim, pastor of Central Presbyterian church was chosen moderator of Portsmouth Presbytery.
April 19 - City teachers indorsed the sales tax.
April 24 - C. E. Noeller resigned as vice president of First National bank hwere he had been employed for many years.
April 25 - Gilbert Monroe, former president of Ohio Valley bank and his wife were sued for $67,000 by the superintendent of banks in Ohio in charge of liquidating the local bank.
April 27 - Heart attack claimed the life of Samuel Adams, prominent in brick interests, at his home 2318 Mickelthwait road.
April 28 - Mrs. Anna Hobstetter, 1222 Hutchins street, was rescued off her porch roof when her home burned.
April 29 - Death claimed Attorney J. T. Mickelthwait, former county prosecutor.
Worst Hail Storm Lashes The Hilltop
May 1 - Retail milk prices were cut one cent.
May 2 - Wallace Drew was elected president of the Irving Drew Shoe Co . . . Receiver for Gilbert S. Monroe was asked.
May 3 - Schoolmasters' club voiced disapproval of the special issuance of scrip by the county.
May 4 - Harry Radcliffe, 18, son of S. T. Radcliffe of 316 Fourth street, died of an accidental gunshot wound.
May 6 - S. C. Peebles was elected chairman of the Scioto county advisory relief committee.
May 8 - A. Kline, clothing merchant died suddenly in Schirrman hospital.
May 10 - Luther Smith of 730 Fourth street, widely known resident, died at his home.
May 14 - Plans to open the closed Ohio Valley bank failed.
May 15 - Scioto river flood water invaded Jasper and Lucasville.
May 16 - Will of Mrs. Carrie Piaff of Greenup, Ky., who left her estate to Mrs. R. W. Hanna of this city, was broken.
May 17 - Wells Kirkendall, 10, son of Charles Kirkendall of West Side was drowned in backwater of Duck run near Rushtown.
May 18 - Robert Hughes, 34, of 1402 Park Avenue, died suddenly.
May 21 - Hail storm lashed the Hilltop district and caused considerable damage.
May 26 - Floyd Warner, 19, amateur boxer of New Boston, died of a heart attack while boxing at the American Legion amateur show.
May 27 - Mary Louise Thatcher, 9, daughter of Mrs. Violet McMasters of 2531 Ritchie street, was killed when struck by a machine near her home . . . Willard Brady, 14, son of Vean Brady of Hales creek, was electrocuted when he touched a charged fence on which a high tension wire had fallen following an electrical storm.
May 29 - Gladys Clark, 25, of 1515 Summit street and James Harvey Culium, 23, of 1417 Third street, were killed in separate automobile accidents.
May 31 - Frank Sebroth, Ripley marshal was shot to death by George Boston, Negro.
Band Carries City's Name to World Fair
June 6 - Annual campaign of the Union Mission opened.
June 7 - Portsmouth high school state championship band went to Evanston, Ill, to compete in the national contest.
June 8 - Unreadable F. Williams, 18, son of James Williams of South Portsmouth, Ky, died of injuries sustained when he was accidentally hit in the stomach by a baseball.
June 9 - Maurice Bennett, 33, of Robinson avenue, died of heat prostration.
June 11 - Mrs. Sarah Dixon, 68, of 1529 Tenth street, was killed when struck by a machine.
June 14 - Grand jury started an investigation of the affairs of the First National Bank.
June 15 - City teachers were given their back pay.
June 19 - Thomas Busch, Adams county farmer, was killed by Clarence Grooms as a result of an argument.
June 21 - Mrs. Ermatrude Batterson McCoy was killed and A. Pusateri was seriously wounded when shot by Mrs. Ethel Pusateri at the Pusateri home on Waller hill . . .Municipal Judge Horace L. Small was indicted on intoximation charges.
June 24 - Robert Hyland, 11, son of Orville Hyland of 2315 Sunrise Avenue, was killed in an automobile accident in which nine were injured.
June 27 - Federal agent was here probing the affairs of the First National Bank.
June 28 - Ross Cox, 27, of 6454 Bahner road, died in Schirrmann hospital of a heat stroke . . . Selby Shoe Co. workers were given a pay increase.
June 29 - Judge H. L. Small was found guilty of being intoxicated . . . Employees of Irving Drew Shoe Co., were given a pay increase.
Chief Leedom Given Civid Forum Award
July 2 - Electrical storm caused considerable damage in the city.
July 3 - J. M. Swisshelm of Jacksonville, near Peebles, was seriously injuried when a portion of a porch pillar was struck by lightning and fell on him.
July 7 - Rev. L. S. Hoyle, deposed Sciotoville Baptist minister, sued to collect back pay claimed due him.
July 8 - Harvey Aeh, South Webster mail carrier, was slain in his automobile by Charles Bachtel, believed to be demented, while he was on Brady creek.
July 11 - Fire Chief Robert L(undreadable) was awarded the Civic Forum trophy of the "city's most meritorious citizen."
July 13 - Edward McCoy filed suit against A. Pusateri for (unreadable) for the alternation of affections of his wife, Mrs. Ermatrude McCoy, who was slain by Ethel Pusateri.
July 15 - Local steel workers received a pay increase due to the NRA code.
July 18 - Judge H. L. Small was fined $100 and costs on intoxication charges and a motion for a new trial was overrided by Judge R. K. McC(unreadable)
unreadable - Spencer Gowdy of 1664 Gallia street was drowned at Seattle, Wash.
July 22 - Robert Masoncup, 25, of 1628 Grandview Avenue, was convicted of manslaughter in connection with the death of Gladys Clark, who died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
July 25 - Mrs. Ethel Pusateri collapsed during her trial on charges of slaying Mrs. Ermatrude McCoy.
July 27 - Robert Gullett, 9, son of Everett Gullett of Lucasville, was fatally injured when struck by a truck . . . Portsmouth business firms were joing NRA.
July 28 - E. J. Hornick, Welfare secretary was appointed director of relief for Scioto County.
July 29 - I. H. Stewart, prominent Gallia street druggist, was found dead.
July 30 - Rev. Donald Timerman was named president of the Portsmouth Civic Music association.
City Nominates Six Council Candidates
August 1 - First National Bank filed suits against Miss Leona Labold and Dan Conroy to collect money on loans.
August 3 - A falling rock crushed life from John Knapp, 59, or Powellsville.
August 4 - P. W. Johnson, local contractor, was awarded the contract for the new postoffice here.
August 7 - Mrs. John Parker of Scioto trail was seriously injured in an automobile accident near Friendship.
August 9 - Frank Bickett, Charles Schirrman, Gus Warman, W. E. Horr, E. W. Westphal and John Salladay were nominated for the council race in November
August 10 - Warrants were issued for the arrest of Dan Conroy, former president of First National Bank, and C. E. Nodler, former vice-president, on bank charges.
August 11 - Sherman Rogers, associate editor of Liberty, spoke on the NRA at a big rally in Universal auditorium.
August 12 - Dr. S. B. McKerrihan, 84, prominent resident of Eighth and Gay streets, died in Mercy hospital.
August 13 - H. Stanley McCall, former probate judge, was appointed Home Loan Manager for Scioto county.
August 16 - Richard Turner, 25, of 1734 Seventh street, died of rabies . . . Paul Hicks of Huntington, WV, died on injuries sustained when his truck ran off the road when he fell asleep at the wheel.
August 22 - Scioto county fair opened with a record crowd in attendance.
August 24 - C. M. Strickland was elected head of the newly-organized City Charter league.
August 25 - Miss Alice Scott, 32, of 810 Front Street suffered a fractured knee when knocked down by ponies who broke from the race track at the Scioto county fair.
August 27 - Fire damaged the Mo (unreadable) Gardens on the "Y" road, West Side.
August 29 - Checks for 20 per cent of the deposits of the Ohio Valley bank were given to the depository.
August 30 - P. H. Anderson of 1413 Fourth street, retired merchant, died of injuries sustained when he fell while cleaning windows at his home.
Second Presbyterian Church is Destroyed
September 2 - Jack Lehr, Cincinnati, was killed in an automobile accident six miles north of Friendship on route 125.
September 5 - Dudley Templeman and P. K. Porter were discharged from the police force.
September 7 - Thomas Dixon, author, spoke here on the NRA.
September 8 - Deputy Sheriff Frank Purdy was exonerated in the death of Edward Porter who was shot by Purdy when he resisted arrest at Cattlesburg, Ky.
September 11 - City schools resumed with 9,000 students enrolled.
September 12 - Miss Mary White, governor's daughter, spoke on here on the NRA.
September 13 - Suits were filed against (unreadable) stockholders of the Ohio Valley bank.
September 14 - William Kinskey, 9, son of Frank Kinskey, 1825 Cole's boulevard, was saved from electrocution by the rescue squad of fireman . . . Frank Keifer was chosen head of Red Cross roll call drive.
September 15 - Robbers tried to force the safe of the LaRoy theater, but foiled.
September 17 - Rep. Adam (unreadable) was appointed new appraiser for the Home League of Scioto county.
September 18 - Ray Sheets, of Gallis street was seriously injured in an automobile accident at Ninth and Offnere streets.
September 20 - Body of man killed by N & W train at Cole's park was identified as Ellis Finley, 26, son of Mrs. Minera Finley of 2049 Mabert Road.
September 25 - Henry Snyder, 30, former resident of this city, son of Henry Snyder of 1802 Seventh street was killed in an automobile accident in Cleveland.
September 27 - Second Presbyterian Church (unreadable)
September 29 - Depositors group of First National bank began the sale of stock for the new bank.
Mrs. Pusateria Is Sentenced
October 1 - Home of P. W. Johnson, contractor of Scioto trail was fired for the second time.
October 2 - Henry Atlas was named president of the Jewish congregation.
October 3 - A. L. Mercer resigned as head of Portsmouth Welfare association . . . Fred Duewel of 1756 Twelfth street, died of injuries suffered when struck by an automobile.
October 4 - Mrs. Mary Spreecher Fitch, wife of Dr. Clyde Fitch of 2213 Waller street, died in Columbus hospital.
October 6 - Dan Conroy, former president of First National Bank and Clarence Nodler, former vice-president, were indicted on federal charges of false entries.
October 7 - Orville Creech, Gwendolyn Ketter, Alice Akers, Thelma Cole and Frank George, Sciotoville High school students were injured in an automobile accident en route home from the Oak hill football game.
October 9 - Thomas Kirkpatrick, 80, prominent Manchester resident, was killed when struck by an automobile.
October 10 - Portsmouth Welfare association voted to hire an outside agency to conduct the annual drive.
October 11 - Clarence Cunningham, 1623 Tenth street, employee of Creasy Grocery Co., was killed instantly when he fell off the loading platform.
October 13 - Mary Lou Buckle, 5, daughter of Jesse Buckle of Swauger Valley, was fatally burned when her clothing caught fire while she was playing with matches.
October 16 - A heart attack proved fatal to George Wharff of 1926 Twenty-fifth street, general agent for the B & O railroad.
October 20 - Charter for new bank was approved and stock was rsised for the National bank of Portsmouth, successor to First National bank.
October 21 - Rev. J. B. Taylor, pastor of Manly M. E. church, exchanged pulpits with Rev. W. W. Bolinger of Morgan Memorial church, Columbus.
October 24 - Clarence Nodler and Dan Conroy, former bank officials pleaded guilty to charges of false entries.
October 25 - Mrs. Ethel Pusateri was sent to Marysville reformatory after she pleaded guilty of shooting and killing Mrs. Ermatrude McCoy.
October 26 - Edward McCoy filed suit for $56,000 against Mrs. Ethel Pusateri for the killing of his wife, Mrs. Ermatrude McCoy.
October 29 - Floyd Dawson, vice-reisdent of Lawson Furniture Co., died at his home 2401 Grant street. Rev. F. J. Meacham was named chief of division of probation and parole for Ohio.
October 30 - Mrs. Mary R. Reitz, pioneer resident of this city, died at her home 1910 second street.
October 31 - Clarence Nodler and Dan Conroy were given suspended sentences following hearing in Cincinnati on charges of falsifying reports of First National Bank.
City Elects Three New Councilmen
November 2 - C. A. Brown, conservator of First National bank, was elected president of new National Bank of Portsmouth, George Wurster, vice president; and John J. Tourney of Columbus, cashier.
November 3 - Sale of liquid assets of First National bank of $1,500,000 was approved and the new National bank of Portsmouth mae the purchase.
November 6 - J. P. Schaefer, prominent West end grocer, died at his home 316 Market street . . . Isaac Quaser, prominent resident 533 Sicth street died.
November 7 - Frank Bickett, Charles Schirrman, and John Sallady were elected to city council and Miss Emma Cramer and Charles Hard were elected to the school board.
November 8 - Charles Partlow, 57, retired assistant fire chief, died at him home 1121 Center street.
November 9 - Thereog (Ting) Matthews, 40, well-known resident of Jackson and Brown streets, died sudenly of a heart attack while at work.
November 12 - Stanley Webb, 45, 3067 Callin Street, father of 12 children was shot and police arrested Mrs. Bertie Armstrong of 3056 of Walnut street for the shooting.
November 13 - Mrs. H. L. Small wife of municipal judge of 1019 Twentieth street died in Mercy hospital.
November 14 - John Peebles, 85, former head of Peebles Paving Brick Co, died at his home 1141 Second street.
November 15 - Approvimately $1,500,000 was released by the National Bank of Portsmouth successor to First National Bank to 11,600 depositors.
November 17 - Portsmouth Welfare goal was set at $64,907.
November 23 - Campaign of Portsmouth Welfare association was postponed.
November 24 - First CWA payroll totaled $8,687 for the county.
November 25 - Mrs. Oral Jacobs of Cith View was seriously injured in an automobile accident on Scioto River bridge.
November 26 - Attorney S. Anselm Skelton of 1801 Hutchins street, announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for representative to congress.
November 27 - John Hall, five months old, son of Perry Hall of City View, died of injuries suffered in an automobile accident at Sixth and Brown streets.
November 28 - E. J. Hornick, secretary of County Relief Commission appointed Mayor robert Bryan as his assistant.
November 29 - City issued $17,000 in scrip to teachers and city employees.
Joseph L. Kountz Named New Mayor
December 1- Vaughn Talbot resigned as manager of the Chamber of Commerce because of lack of funds.
December 3 - City tax rate was set to remain at $2.15.
December 4 -Carl Copas, 19, city barber of Hackworth hill was killed in an automobile accident near Otway.
December 5 - Joseph L. Kountz was named mayor of the city and John Sallady, the vice mayor.
December 6 - Fireman's Follies for the city (unreadable) fund opened.
December 7 - Sarah Callahan, 17, daughter of William Callahan of 725 North street died of burns received when her clothing caught fire.
December 8 - Dr. D. J. Lloyd, prominent Sixth street dentist was seriously (unreadable)
December (unreadable) - Dr. D. J. Lloyd, prominent dentist, who died in Chillicothe hospital.
December 13 - Marie Leonard, 4 daughter of Emmett Leonard of Duck Run, was fatally burned when her clothing caught fire.
December 15 - Robert Cullen, steel plant superintendent, died suddenly at his home, 1603 Offnere Street.
December 17 - Mrs. John Snyder, wife of John W. Snyder of Second street, cashier of Portsmouth Banking Co., was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Manchester.
December 18 - O. J. Handley, prominent lodge man, died at his home 519 Court street.
December 19 - Kenneth Colley, 14, son of John Colley of Hastings hill, died of a heart attack brought on by fright.
December 20 - Judge M. F. Kimble was appointed receiver for the First National bank.
December 24 - Ohio supreme court stripped C. W. G. Hannah of Seventeenth and Waller streets of the right to practice law in the state.
December 26 - Henry Atlas prominent merchant died suddenly in the Elks parlor while chatting with his friends.
December 27 - John Ruark, 54, Firebrick, Ky, was killed when his auto ran into a street car at Gallia and Bush streets.
December 28 - Chester Jordan, 20, of 170 Fifth street suffered a fractured skull when his automobile struck an N & W yard engine at Tenth and Waller streets.
December 29 - Alva Rankin, (unreadable) of Second street was killed when struck by a hit-skip driver at Tenth and Chillicothe streets.
December 30 - John White, 10, of 182? Fifth street and Harold Dean, 7, of 417 Campbell avenue were burned when sewer gas exploded at Dixie and Campbell avenues.