Spartans to Meet Joesting's Eleven

Article taken from the Charleston Daily Mail.

Portsmouth and Minneapolis to Play Sunday; December 14 Green Bay game


The Spartans, Ohio's entry in the National Pro Football league from Portsmouth, Ohio, will close their season with two of the toughest clubs in the league, the first opposition being the Minneapolis Red Jackets, headed by the famous Herb Joesting, twice all-America fullback of Minnesota.

The famous Joesting will appear at Portsmouth on December 7 at the Spartans' new $150,000 stadium.  He will be supported by a number of former all-America college stars including Nate Barrager, captain and center of the University of Southern California, George Gibson, all-America guard at Minnesota and line coach under the popular Doc Harold Hanson, all-America guard at the University of Minnesota.

Coach Harold Griffen, former all-America and captain of the University of Iowa, is working his men to the limit in order to produce a winner over Minneapolis.  Griffen stated that is a win was turned in over the Swedes, then a weeks solid work was in view for preparation for the game December 14 at Portsmouth when the nationally known Green Bay Packers, champions of the world last fall in professional football, come to the Floodwall city for the final league game of the season.