Article taken from The Democrat & Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, June 30, 1903
Portsmouth, O., June 27 -
A run was made on the Royal Building and Loan Association when it became public that Secretary John K. Duke had confessed that he was short in his accounts approximately $8,900. Judge O.P. Sperra of Columbus, state special inspector of building and loan associations, arrived here and will make a careful and thorough examination of Mr. Duke's books. The directors have issued statements to the effect that the depositors will not lose a dollar, as Mr. Duke had turned over real estate to the amount of $3,200 and $16,000 life insurance.
Secretary Duke's Rash Deed
Article taken from the Delphos Daily Herald, June 29, 1903
Portsmouth, O., June 29 -
John K. Duke, the confessed defaulting secretary of the Royal Savings and Loan association, is seriously ill from an attempt at suicide. By his efforts to make whole the association he expected immunity from arrest. When informed that he was not only deposed as secretary but that criminal charges would be preferred against him, he swallowed aconite. The run on the association has been stopped.
Duke's Allegations
Article taken from The Democrat & Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, October 5, 1903
Portsmouth, O., Oct. 3 -
Twelve affidavits were filed by John K. Duke, the indicted defaulting secretary of the Royal Building and Loan association, swearing Judge Meiner off the bench. The affidavits aver that Judge Melner is prejudiced and biased against him and in favor of the state and for the reason he could not obtain a fair and impartial trial.