Club Owners Back Rickey's Team Policies
Article taken from The Ames Daily Tribune, August 18, 1954
PITTSBURGH (UP) - General Manager Branch
Rickey Sr. today had assurance from principal stockholders of the
Pittsburgh Pirates they would continue to back his policies of running
the team.
Club President John Galbreath said that if Rickey "feels he still wants
to continue actively even in 1956, it's okay with us." Rickey announced
10 days ago he will step down as general manager after next year.
Bing Crosby, vice president of the team, told Rickey by telegram that
he is "wholeheartedly" in support of Rickey's management of the club, which
Tuesday night won its fifth straight against Brooklyn.
Crosby denied criticizing the Pirate general manager or having influenced
Rickey's decision to retire.