Major League Roundup
Article taken from The Ames Daily Tribune, May 16, 1945
NEW YORK. (U.P.)-They laughed when boss Branch
Rickey brought out his 1945 Brooklyn Dodgers. But today, just one month
later, the laughs have turned to cheers that reached a crescendo when the
team won it's 10th straight game last night.
That's something that hasn't happened to a Dodger club since September of 1943,
which was before Manager Rickey instituted his "Bobby Sox" youth movement in
full scale proportions.
Proabably not even Rickey figured the youngsters would move into winning stride
so quickly, since he emphasized he was building a "post-war" team. Yet, sparked
by the kids and steadied by the few oldsters on the club. They have the longest
winning streak of the major league campaign, the last five games being taken
against the tough western opposition.