Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, Saturday, June 5, 1965
On a religious tour was the Rev. W. A. Sunday who staged a six-week revival campaign in 1911. A tabernacle especially built for the occasion at Gallia and Lincoln Sts. was usually filled with six to seven thousand for his meetings.
Must Make Charges Good
Article taken from The Mansfield News, February 6, 1911
Columbus, O., Feb. 6.--A. R. Bohlander of this city has been summoned to appear before Judge A. Z. Blair at Portsmouth Thursday and submit proof of his allegation, printed in a local paper, to the effect that members of the Portsmouth delegation which attended the Billy Sunday temperance tally here frequented High street saloons, and asserted that he saw 25 of them in a whole sale liquor house in High street. He said that he once lived in Portsmouth and in the delegation saw four bootleggers and a wifebeater. "If his accusations are true," said Judge Blair, "he will be able to give us some very important information; and we will be glad to receive it, as it will aid us to bring bootleggers to justice. But if his accusations are false, the people of the state should know it"
Sunday Gets $14,000
Article taken from The Mansfield News, February 13, 1911
Portsmouth, O., Feb. 13.-- Billy Sunday concluded his six weeks' revival here with three monster meetings. The evangelist received for his work over $14,000.