Article taken from the Democrat & Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, June 9, 1903
The Forty-fourth Annual Ohio State Sunday School Convention is called for Portsmouth, Ohio, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 9, 10, 11.
The signs indicate that this convention will bring together not less than two thousand of the leading Sunday-school workers in Ohio. Each county will be represented by ten delegates.
Entertainment is provided for delegates only, but all persons are entitled to the reduced railroad rates. The Central Passenger Association has granted a rate of one fare for the round trip from any point in Ohio. Tickets good going on June 8, 9, and 10, and returning to and including June 13.
Portsmouth Getting Ready
Article taken from The Delphos Daily Herald, May 22, 1903
The approaching Ohio State Sunday School Convention at Portsmouth, June 9-11, is just now the all-absorbing theme of conversation among Ohio Sunday school workers. This annual convention has for years been noted as the largest, most inspiring and important convention has for years been noted as the largest, most inspiring and important convention of Christian workers regularly held in the state. Portsmouth is awake to the importance of the convention and has her local committees of arrangements perfectly organized with Mrs. S. O. Titus, as chairman of the committee of entertainment. Numerous other necessary committees are working, and all things will be done in the tip-top style characteristic of Portsmouth people. The Sunday school worker who fails to touch Ohio's greatest convention will miss a rare opportunity. A rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in Ohio has been granted by the railroads. For particulars address Dr. Joseph Clark, General Secretary, Columbus, Ohio.