Ex-Sheriff In Jail to Serve 30-Days Term

Article taken from The Lima News, September 26, 1931

Portsmouth, O., Sept. 26 (AP)

Accepting without comment a verdict of guilty on charge a falsifying his expense account as sheriff of Scioto-co.  Maurice J. Caldwell today began serving a 30-day jail sentence meted out with a $200 fine and trial costs.

Caldwell, who resigned when investigation was started, was denied a new trial.

Found guilty of falsifying the records to the extent of $34.81, his conviction was on a misdemeanor.  Had the amount exceeded $35 it would have been a felony and punishable by a penitentiary sentence.

Caldwell testified that Miss Roxie Miller, 23-year-old blonde who accompanied him on various occasions, was paid legally as a convict guard.