Cox is Fair Toward Labor is Verdict
Article taken from The Sandusky Star Journal, October 16, 1913
Portsmouth, O., Oct. 16--When delegates to the Ohio State Federation last lap of the 30th annual meeting today talk of an attack upon the labor had apparently succumbed to the defense of the executive last night by President Voll and Secretary Donnelly. They said they had talked with Cox and believed his stand on labor questions was fair. Organized labor in Ohio is opposed to granting remuneration to members of the ohio commission that investigated employers' liability and workemen's compensation after the adjournment of the seventy-ninth general assembly in 1910. A resolution favoring compensation for these members was defeated decisively by the state federation in convention here.
Animated discussions preceded the vote on the resolution introduced by Michael Goldsmith of Cleveland, and O. B. Chapman of Dayton. While the authours championed the resolution Stephen S. Stilwell of Cleveland and Milo Cathan directed the attack against it. Indorsement of purposed legislation, providing for the building of the Miami & Erie canal from Toledo to Cincinnati, was refused almost unanimously. The convention favored a law making mandatory the closing of all retail stores Saturday night. It also urged the right of counties and cities to sell bonds direct to the people. More safeguards in theaters and places of public amusement were demanded. Prohibition from Ohio of convict-made goods out of the state was urged. Woman suffrage was jilted when the convention refused to comply with the demands of the National Woman Suffrage Association, that the federation rectify statements made by unions throughout the state.
An effort of the Columbus delegation to unseat Edward W. Wakefield of the bricklayers union for alleged infidelity to labor interests was decisively beaten. Resolutions protesting the antiliquor shipment proposal and against the short ballot have been introduced. An effort also is to be made to have the federation increase the per capita tax on all member 50 percent for educational purposes. A. McAndrews, president of the International Tobacco union of Louisville, Ky.' T. j. Creager, Springfield, Horace L. Britton of the Ohio state school survey commission and Frank L. Rist, district organizer of the federation of Cincinnati, addressed delegates. The annual election of officers will be held tomorrow afternoon or Friday morning, with the threatened fight of the Cleveland delegates against the re-election of John Voll of Zanesville as president, died in its infancy.