George Bombrey
Wanted $5,000 for Baby Girl
Article taken from The Port Arthur News, July 14, 1923
CEVELAND, Ohio, July 14 - George Bombrery, 31, was questioned by police today in their investigation of a report that he had offered to sell his six month, old daughter for $5,000. Bombrey's young wife and child weren't sent to detention home pending completion of the investigation. Detectives who went into Bombreys apartment posing as businessmen, said he renewed the offre to sell his child. He was said to have made the offer first to a Cleveland dentist. Bombrey told police the baby was born in Porstmouth, Ohio. He said he moved to Toledo but his job and came here a few weeks ago. According to detectives, Bombrey said he needed the money and that his wife was agreeable to the sale.